Chapter 25 - Welcome back Edmond

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I felt so awful so I decided to go home after talking to Priscilla. I wanted to be alone to clear my head out... I wanted to be alone because I wanted to forget about what happened with German last night so I decided to get some of Edmond's sleeping pills and lay down.

But when I arrived to the house I saw Morcerf's car parking at the door and Baptistin standing at the front door.

- Why is he here? - I asked, slightly stressed.

- He wanted to talk to the count about something important, but when I told him that he isn't even in the country he decided to talk to you instead - Baptistin replied.

- I see... - I sighed as I went in to the salon where Fernand was waiting - Good evening, Sir! - I said, faking a smile - I heard you wanted to talk to me...

- Yes, Mylady - he jumped up from the chair where he was sitting and came up to me - I actually wanted to invite the count for dinner and some talk, but the servant said he isn't home yet.

- Yeah... I don't know when will he come, but I hope very soon...

- You miss him, don't you?

- I do... - I smiled - I miss him everyday...

- I can understand that - he smiled - And I'm sure he misses you too...

This made me blush just to think about him missing me.

----- TIME SKIP -----

A week passed and the engagement party's day came and I found a nice, light-green dress to wear and quickly made my way to the Castillo house where most of the guests were already there and a few minutes later the "lovely couple" confessed to each other in front of the people.

It's funny how a week earlier German said exactly the same things to me when we were together that night and now he's saying all that to Priscilla. Seems like he was lying after all...

----- TIME SKIP -----

Vilu and the kids from the Studio were singing and dancing around happily and I just watched them, smiling and I was about to sit down when I heard familiar music playing then a voice singing while everyone else grew quiet...

Tanto tiempo caminando junto a tì
Aun recuerdo el dìa en que te conoci
El amor en mi nacio tu sonrisa me enseno
Tras las nubes siempre va a estar el sol

Te confieso que sin
ti no se seguir.
Luz en el camino tu eres para mi
Desde que mi alma te vio.
Tu dulsura me envolvio
Si estoy contigo se detiene el reloj

I turned around to see Edmond coming towards me and held his hand out to me and we began to dance meanwhile I decided to sing with him...

Lo sentimos los dos
El corazon nos hablo
Y al ido suave nos susurro

Quiero mirarte quiero sonarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte quiero basarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mì
Pues amor es lo que siento
Eres todo para mi

Quiero mirarte quiero sonarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte quiero basarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mì
Tu eres lo que necesito
Pues lo que siento es

People around us were staring at us, but I didn't mind. I didn't mind because I was with him and I felt finally happy again...

En tus ojos veo el mundo de color
En tus brazos descubri yo el amor
Vera en mì ella lo mismo?
Querra el estar conmigo?

Dime que tu lates
por mi tambien
Lo semtimo lo dos
El corazon nos hablo
Y al oido suave
nos susurro

My heart was racing as the kids came around us and began to dance too, but I could feel German's eyes on me as well.

Quiero mirarte quiero sonarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte quiero basarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mì
Pues amor es lo que siento
Eres todo para mi

Quiero mirarte quiero sonarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte quiero basarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mì
Tu eres lo que necesito
Pues lo que siento es

Quiero mirarte quiero sonarte
Vivir contigo cada instante
Quiero abrazarte quiero basarte
Quiero tenerte junto a mì
Pues amor es lo que siento
Eres todo para mi

In the end Edmond got on one knee and kissed my hand while he was looking deeply into my eyes... I just love when he does that....

And when he stood back up I just jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly while whispered softly:

- Welcome back, Edmond....

Germangie meets The Count of Monte CristoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora