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“That’s a bold proclamation you got there, arrogant king.” Jecchan made her smug towards Rikkun. “Surely, you remember that you lost the last time.”

“Ha! Clearly, you haven’t been paying attention to that last fight, you squeaky runt!” Rikkun said as he leaned back and crossed his arms. “Necross Hades does not have any means to even dent my Aether Armor. Tiara being able to sing the <Song of Time> is a primary proof of that. If I kept my armor for myself, then I could defeat him!”

“You know that Necross Hades is immortal, right?” Guinevere asked after sipping her tea.

“That’s right. Anything that has corrupted by Necross will become an undead demon that is capable of impossible regeneration.” Z seconded. “You also need to deal with the God Core, which is quite an unbeatable combo.”

“Hmmm, maybe you’re right about that.” Rikkun held his chin. “But Tiara and I fought a Necross Eidolon earlier and we managed to defeat it with some kind of combo. I’m not saying that I will not take down Necross Hades alone. I know it. That’s why you guys are here, right?”

Suddenly, the adorable ash-white-haired witch smiled with confidence. “Yes! You got it! You’re way smarter than you look!”

“Since you already know what to do and had an idea who Necross Hades is, we’ll just leave all those things to you,” Guinevere said. “However, we already had a battle plan that would be more efficient than what you had in mind.”

“And what is it?” Rikkun sassily replied with a question as if he’s already against the idea.

“The battle plan is this,” Jecchan said as she pointed her index finger at me, who is still busy chowing down the apple pie. Guinevere had already given me her share so my eating time has been extended. “Tiara will take down Necross Hades himself. And you, Alaric, will be in charge of sealing Esperia. We have to make some distance from you and Necross Hades so that he can't summon Necross again.”

“What about any reinforcements? Surely you did not really want us to take those two for ourselves, right?” Rikkun said. “I bet this dumb witch and this sassy bitch here can do a handful of things.”

“You really sound like my master…” Z mumbled in which only I can hear.

“Ohoho, that is impossible, Mister Alaric Eisenhower.” Guinevere laughed. “Our time here is limited, so all we can do is to prepare you two from your battle.”

“Of course, your adorable Jeanne can provide for the support! I'm more than enough~,” Jecchan said. “If we try to reassemble Aether Crusade and ask for the Black Cross Legion for some recruits, they might end up being dead weight. The smaller the group, the better!”

“You are dead weight,” Rikkun said. “I wish to have Helena and Kristoff join the fight, but if we can’t have them, maybe Tiara and I will do fine without you.”

“Grrrr…” Jecchan growled like an angry wolf.

Rikkun and Jecchan have been teasing each other for the past hour as if they are waiting for someone to blow their own fuse. It’s quite entertaining actually, but there’s a hidden urge for me to punch both of their noses so that they could just stop this childish squabble.

Good thing somebody initiated to move on and make a progress in this meeting.

“Everything is settled then!” Suddenly, the witch named Z clapped her hands, and then her crimson eyes stared at me. She stood up and spread her arms wide as if she wants to start a celebration. “Let’s move to the most important reason why we’re here.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now