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I cried in the hallway as I walked away from the classroom. I covered my face in order to hide my embarrassed expression from the students and teachers as I got past them.

That's so embarrassing, Tiara! I repeated those words inside my head over and over again.

This is my first day in Dradecim National High, and here I am, making a scene. To make it worse, I did it with my target. I punched the nose of the man whom I was tasked to protect. I'm quite confident that Asumi-nee will not scold me, but Miss Jeannette is a different story. I might end up having sermoned for the rest of the night.

That blonde man named Alaric Eisenhower... He's considerably handsome. Just a simple glance from him makes my heart jump for joy for unknown reasons. Sure, his looks are able to charm the girls in the school, but he's arrogant attitude offsets his physical advantages.

It was about three minutes until I finally stopped crying. I looked around and saw the students noisily getting out of their classes. Endless chatter filled up the corridors and it made me anxious to have so many people in such a spot so I decided to stop and make a U-turn. I need to go back to the classroom and get my things. I forgot that it's the end of the classes already, and I left my bag on my desk.

I just hope Mister Alaric Eisenhower has already left...


I started walking back until I realized a grim thing. A chill crawled on my spine as I saw a group of students having their eyes on full darkness and they were crying black blood. That sign only means one thing... An Eidolon is nearby!

I remembered what Asumi-nee and Miss Jeannette told me yesterday, about the mission. I am tasked to enroll in this high school to defend a certain someone named Alaric Eisenhower from Eidolon attacks. Apparently, that arrogant blonde bastard has manifested the signs of being a Gate Guardian like me, so she will be a hotspot of Eidolons. He will be hunted non-stop for the rest of his life!

My eyes opened wide in shock. I've been so careless. I'm so stupid. Why did I leave him in the first place!? I shouldn't have taken my eyes off him!

This is bad! This is bad!

I rushed with the full force of my legs. Unfortunately, I can't use my spells here in school as there are people around. I have to rely purely on my physical agility to reach him!

I slammed the door from my classroom as I inhaled air out loud. I looked in the left, and the right part of the classroom. Unfortunately, all I can see are tiny flocks of students, and there's only about seven or eight of them. Most have already gone home. Mister Alaric Eisenhower is nowhere to be found.

Fortunately for me, the guy who sits in front of him during classes that appeared to be his close friend is still there. He has short black hair and brown eyes, with the slightly scrawny build. I think this is Mister Casterdyne, as Mister Kent shouted earlier.

"M-Mister Casterdyne!" I slammed my palms in front of my classmate.

"W-Woah!!!" My classmate seemed scared of me as I surprised him.

"W-Where is Mister Alaric Eisenhower!?" I asked out loud.

"Oh, Ric?" My classmate had his careless glare at me. "He already went home. He said that he'll be treating his wounds later. Hey, about that punch in his nose, it was awesome-"

"Thank you!" I bowed with an excessive effort which accidentally slammed my forehead on his desk. Without any time to lament my actions or hold my aching forehead, I immediately dashed away from the classroom.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now