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“Hey… Heeeeey…”

When I blinked, I went back to reality. I find myself in the bus station’s waiting seats, with the led lights shining brightly upon us. It was already dark, and the clock in the station says that it’s already seven.

“Are you okay?” Mister Alaric Eisenhower waved his hand at me. Right now, he is sitting beside me, as if we are having a deep conversation.

“Ah! Uh… I’m fine, Rikkun.” I muttered.

“Rikkun?” Alaric tilted his head.

“Ah! No! I mean, Mister Alaric.” I blushed as I shyly covered my mouth. I’m so awkward that my tongue just mutters some random words I come to think of.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mister Alaric’s face drifted a little closer. 

“I-I’m fine, don’t worry about me! Ahaha!” I made a disgusting fake laugh as I waved both of my hands. “S-So, where were we?”

“About the Gate Guardian and Eidolon and Yami stuff. I think I already get it, more or less.” Alaric held his chin. “You’re a Gate Guardian who fights monsters called Eidolons, and the Yami is the dimension where those monsters appear.”

I nodded.

Alaric was about to talk again but when he gazed upon the clock, he slightly panicked. “Oh shit. Tiara, it’s time for me to go now.”

“Eh? Oh, okay.” I made a genuine smile at him. I waved my hand once again and tried to look as positive as ever. “Take care, Mister Alaric!”

“Will do.” Alaric slightly blushed. “Thanks for saving me.”

As soon as the arrogant prince boarded the bus, the terminal made an announcement. Several seconds thereafter, the bus departed, leaving me alone in the rows of waiting seats.


I walk alone on the lonely dark road towards my condo unit. There are flickering street lights everywhere that flash unto me, which would make kids freak out. I mean, I’m a literal witch, and seeing me in the darkness would always scare away people.

I succumbed to deep thought as I walked slowly. 

The moment I touched Alaric’s hands, I saw a vague flash of memory. I had an ambiguous flashback of Alaric dying with some sort of weapon; a dark obsidian blade stabbing his heart. I can still remember his final look on me; an assuring smile with blood on his lips. His passionate emerald eyes stuck my soul to the core, and I only feel sorrow upon seeing that scenery.

I can still remember what my mother Yukiko told me. It is about the curse of the Hikari bloodline, which is passed through generations after generations since time immemorial. Our blood is the curse itself, as I am a Brightmore Witch.

I don’t have any concrete memories yet, but I think the curse has something to do with my flashes of Alaric dying. Those imaginary scenes may have happened already in the past timeline, and I may have used the power of the Brightmore Witch: The <Song of Time> to reset every happening.

“Ah, what am I thinking?” I knocked on my head. Everybody knows that I’m bad at using my brain. Even the readers and the author knows. If I stress my brain out, I might explode.

I reached for the key from my shrine maiden sleeve and then opened the door to my condo unit. Apparently, the doorknob spun easily and I didn’t hear the knob ticking so it appears that the door is not locked at all. Maybe I forgot to lock it this morning.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now