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The next day, we asked the Kozukata Shrine’s permission to borrow all the God and Goddess Cores in their possession to attain our goals.

“Are you sure about this?” Asumi-nee asked. She has a doubtful look in her face.

“Yes. I’m sure about this, Asumi-nee.” I said as I held my chest. “Singing the <Song of Salvation> is the only way I can think of to save my father.”

My father only has one more day to live. The curse has corrupted all of his life force, and he’s only clinging to his willpower to live. There is no hope to save my father, except for this.

The <Song of Salvation>.

It is a song that grants all the singer’s wishes in exchange for her life. But since we already have twelve God Cores, we can finally do it without any drawbacks.

“Alaric said that there are still two more months before the awakening of the Frozen Soul. “ Diadem explained his side. “It wouldn’t hurt if we fix the Frozen Soul in advance, right?”

“Hmmm….” Asumi-nee held her chin. “You have a point. An ounce of prevention two hours in advance is better than a ton of cure.”

I think she just revised a popular saying. That’s Asumi-nee for you, she always makes wise words wiser!

“I’m not against the idea.” Asumi-nee continued. “But I think you have to ask for the whole group’s approval first. Especially Alaric.”

“I don’t think Alaric is against that idea,” Diadem said.

“Yes, but there is something confusing his mind.” Asumi-nee made a troubled yet serious expression.


Two hours after that, we had a conference at the Kozukata Shrine Hall. We have all the Aether Crusade members present, except Drex and Benedict who are busy with their own lives. Rikkun said that we didn’t need to call and disturb them because they don’t have God Cores anyway. So now, there’s only Rikkun, me, Heushac, Helena, Key, Eliseo, Emily, Diadem, and Asumi-nee to attend this meeting. We also have Lironeo (Void Wolf) and my father here.

My father is currently on a wheelchair because he’s now too weak to move his legs. His arms are even shaking even though it’s not cold or he’s not nervous. The faint glow on his eyes is telling me that he’ll be going any minute. Looking at my poor father makes me want to sing the <Song of Salvation> in this very moment.

“So…” Rikkun is now in front of everyone, at the podium. He scanned towards our faces, but her gaze to me is the longest.

Then he started his long speech.

“We are here to discuss the issue on hand, which is the <Song of Salvation>. I have already told everyone that the <Song of Salvation> is the only way to save everything that exists. The Frozen Soul is on the verge of awakening, and the calendars should end on December 31st. There are roughly two months away, but we have already collected the twelve God Cores. By using the power of those God Cores, Tiara can sing the <Song of Salvation> without sacrificing her life. I hope everybody understands these things now.”

There’s a doubtful look in Heushac as he scratches his head. It seems that he doesn’t get anything Rikkun says even though he has been discussing it for the past year.

“Since I am a merciful king, I will allow democracy in our group,” Rikkun said with a chin-up smirk. “I shall answer all the questions that come out from your stupid mouth.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now