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“The Black Cross Legion will have a large-scale raid against the Dark Legion’s headquarters two days from now. And that will be Aeternos... ahem!” The Fake Outsider coughed and cleared his voice on purpose. “...your debut. You will take part in one of the largest battles of Gate Guardian history.”

“If the Phoenix Incident will happen, then I should avoid taking part in it,” I said. “I’ll just sneak in the Underground Laboratory after the raid.”

“No, the raid is the only chance you’ll ever get to see the God Core of Chronos. You can’t do it before the raid, because it is swarmed by Cursed Guardians. After the raid, the Black Cross will completely lock the place down. You don’t possess the God Core of Freyr nor the <Heart of Light> anymore. You’re just a normal Gate Guardian. I reckon you can’t take a horde of guards in that state.”

I gritted my teeth. Yohan is right and makes all the logical reasoning here. Well, it seems like I really have to present myself on the silver platter. Coming to the raid will either give me a chance to get back to my timeline, or convert me to the terrible Cursed Guardian Aeternos.

“Don’t be so sad, Rikkun.” Yohan mocked. “No matter what happens, Alaric Eisenhower will meet Tiara Hikari in the end.”



I will never be Aeternos. Or maybe I’m just too stubborn that I always keep convincing my poor self.


I’ve been sleeping on the Realm of the Frozen Soul for the past nights since I don’t have anywhere to go. I don’t want to sleep in the Kozukata Shrine because I’m afraid that I’ll create a time paradox. 

I was in the Outsider’s care for days. Thankfully, he doesn’t have any intention of killing me. But I have. I wanted to kill him, strangle him with my own hands. I wanted to avenge Heushac, Emily, Eliseo, and Diadem. But I can’t, for the simple reason that I have no chance in defeating him nor the Corrupted Frozen Soul. And also, time paradox. There’s nothing I could do. 

For now, I have to work with him. I need to focus on getting back, kick Aeternos’ ass, and cuddle Tiara for that happy ending.

The day of the Leng City Raid has come swiftly. Time inside the Realm of the Frozen Soul seems twisted, and I don't have any idea how it works.


SWAT Teams and even the National Army surrounded the place with soldiers, APC’s, snipers, and tanks. It covers several kilometers of area, so they really need the help of normal government armies for this one.

In the Yami counterpart of the Nuclear Test Site, the Gate Guardians assembled. It’s the same setup during the Christmas Raid where the platoons of Gate Guardians are divided into assault, range, backup, and support. And from those four major roles, they are subdivided to others such as frontlines, infiltrations, and others.

I blended myself into the front liner assault teams who are meeting at the wide plains, half a kilometer away from the facility to be raided.

Never did I know that I’ll be knowing a lot of people there.

Apparently, the one who is leading my platoon is a person named Martha Fontaine von Noctis. Sounds familiar, right? She’s Amy’s mother. She must be around twenty years old as of this time, but her sexy tall body is already giving her the MILF vibes. 

And also, her sub-commander is a person who looks like one of my deceased gay friends. She’s Selena Fontaine, a woman with strawberry blonde hair and seductive breasts and thighs. She looks a lot like Lord Venus, and I can clearly tell on her face that she’s the mother of Eliseo Fontaine.

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now