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“Just how desperate are you in reviving Erylle?!”

Asumi-nee, in the form of Haliya, shouted. She’s gripping her halberd so tight that the metal handle could snap at any moment. I’ve never seen Asumi-nee this angry before. No. I have never seen Asumi-nee angry. This is the first time. Normally, she would carefreely laugh to problems at hand, but not this.

“You don’t understand, Asumi.” The Outsider answered as he bowed. He looks like a boy who is trying to reason out his deeds in front of a scolding mother. “I am nothing without her. She is everything to me. My love for her and her love for me knows no boundaries. Isn’t it normal for a prince to find a way to awaken his princess from a never-ending sleep?”

“This is not sleeping beauty, Yohan.” Haliya’s voice gives heavier tension as their conversation goes on. “It won’t take just a kiss to wake her up. It will take everything. I don’t think you’re dumb enough to do that.”

The Outsider hid his crimson eyes behind his brown bangs. His shoulders vibrated. And then he let out a chuckle.

“Hahahaha…. Hahahaha!” The Outsider revealed his wide-open eyes, his red irises glaring at Asumi-nee’s soul. “You’re underestimating me! I’m dumber than you thought, Asumi. A person will become foolish once love has consumed a person’s heart."

Suddenly, The Outsider’s shadow tentacles on his back started to grow and wiggle. The crimson orbs on his body started to glow which made our eyes ache.

Everything went black and white. In an instant, The Outsider vanished from where he’s standing.

When time resumed, The Outsider returned to his original position. But he got one of us. He already got Venus, gripping the top of her head with his sharp cybernetic hands. Blood started to ooze from the Goddess of Beauty’s forehead.

“Eliseo!” Everybody shouted.

“H-H-Help… m-me…” Venus’s eyes are now soaked with tears.

“Yohan, stop!” Asumi-nee/Haliya cried as she held her chest. “You’re better than this! I know you’re still the Yohan I know!”

But The Outsider replied a creepy demonic smile, silently saying that he will never comply to his old friend’s words.

“Asumi…” The Outsider chuckled with a deep voice. “I’ll show you how desperate I am. You remember Erylle's little brother, right? It’s him, right? Oh, wait. I’m talking about Eliseo from another universe. So this one is just a counterpart. I’m sure Erylle wouldn’t care if I killed him.”

“Yohan!!!” Asumi-nee cried. “Stop-!!!”


The robotic alien hand squeezed the goddess’s brains. Red meat chunks scattered around the area, and blood showered everywhere. Shattered skull pieces fell to the floor.

I can’t believe it.

Nobody could ever believe it.

“YOHAAAAN!!!” Haliya cried as she charged her halberd, pointing the sharpest edge towards the enemy. Freyr, Ra, Hel, and Helena followed her lead, each and everyone ready to kill the enemy with their swelling hatred.

“You guys are bigger idiots than me.” The Outsider pointed his right hand to the charging enemies. An invisible force made the raging gods levitate, unable to get closer to him. “I am Yog-Sothoth, an Outer God that is as powerful as the Frozen Soul herself. My powers are limited since I’m inside the realm of the Frozen Soul, but that doesn’t mean that you can defeat me.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulWhere stories live. Discover now