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Now that my way has been cleared, nothing can stop me from going straight to the building’s rooftop. It has about ten floors, so I don’t need to go inside and look for the stairs. I’ll just run for it outside.

“<Magnum Boost>!” I said as I buffed my body with electricity and bolted forward with extreme speed.

I reached the wall of the building within three seconds and maintaining my speed and momentum, I stepped on the said wall and ran upwards. Seventh, eighth, ninth floor past. I managed to climb in a matter of ten seconds. But when I reached the window on the top floor, I didn’t have the time to breach.

Three sets of crimson eyes were waiting for me. My bones froze at this terrifying sight.

The windows exploded with echo. The three Cursed Guardians who had a deathly stare at me blasted the fiber glasses just with their menacing aura, and the shockwave rendered me flying.

“Shit!” I cried. 

If I fall from this distance, I’ll end up dead! I was about to freefall but then I heard rocket boosts and a soft hand caught my wrist.

“I got you!” Freya said as she dragged me upward. She’s using her hip boosters to hover in mid-air.

We safely landed on top of the building. Macho Steel and Lord Venus followed, using the <Magnum Boost> horizontal running technique I demonstrated to climb the building.

“Geez, don’t go rushing alone like that!” Freya scolded me like a tiger mom. 

“I-I’m sorry.”

I always see Miss Martha as my second mother back when I was in grade school so this scene feels nostalgic. She used to scold me and Amy whenever we do something bad (Like bullying kids on a lower grade level) so nothing is new here. I feel like I'm back in the fourth grade.

Three gigantic silhouettes jumped and landed in front of us. And from the looks and feels of them, they are Cursed Gods.

The god on the left is a bluish-green man filled with deep-sea scales. He has this gigantic fin-blades on his arms and a tall mohawk fin on top of his head. He also has webbed hands and feet, and he’s holding a golden trident. His eyes have sea-blue sclera and crimson irises. I’ve read about him back when we were searching for God Cores. He is the God of Seas, Poseidon.

The god on the right, however, is a familiar one. He has a tattered black cloak made of human skin and boney skeletal armor. He has a half-skull mask covering the upper part of his face, but the crimson glare is visible through the hollow eyes. He’s wielding a demon’s fork. He is the God of Underworld, Hades.

I got scared when I saw him. I escaped from his Underworld Prison, and considering the fact that I’m Aeternos, he should besieging me. But he didn’t seem to recognize me. 

I just remembered that I’m trapped in the past. There is no way he can remember me.

The god in the middle is the one whom I’m aiming for. He looks so tall and muscular, a nine-footer man. He is black like charcoal (Screw you, I'm not racist. I'm just describing how this guy looks.) and has golden linings all over his body. There are also golden runes tattooed all over his chest and muscles. He is wearing an ancient greek skirt and he has a giant wristwatch as his belt. I’m quite sure this is Chronos; the God of Time.

 “Leon, Ben, and Elswick,” Venus muttered. “They really succumbed to the temptation of the Curse.”

“Dogs of the Black Cross like you will never understand the meaning of true power,” Chronos said. “Power is everything in this world. The Dark Legion shall show you how wrong you all are.”

[Book 2] Gate Guardian - Song of the Frozen SoulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant