Percy/Jason/Nico/Leo/Frank - Hanson Rodriguez

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"Now, kids, remember" my Mom started, pulling down my hood so she could see my face "No go wondering by yourself, keep your phones always on and don't-"

"-don't spend more than what we have and don't get into fights-" Harrison continued, interrupting her.

"-and be back at this exact same spot by 4:30" I finished, tiredly "Now, can we go?" I whined at her. I didn't mind very much. My Mom frowned and pursed her lips, but said nothing about it.

"OK, you may go now. But be careful!!" she shouted at us, since we were running away from her.

Guess I should introduced myself. Hi! I'm Hanson Rodriguez and this year at ComicCon, I'm the main character of Assassins' Creed. It took me a lot to put together this costume and like Hell I was missing the convention this year.

"So, what do we see first?" my twin, Harrison, asked. He was wearing a Jedi costume, with a green lightsaber.

"How about the prosthetic stands?" I proposed, shrugging.

"Then, we could go see the conferences. I heard there's a conference about the new Star Wars this year" he stated, excited.

"Harrison, every year they have a Star Wars conferences!!" I complained, walking away from him.


What,s ComicCon without people taking pictures of your costumes? People stopped us so they could take a pic with our characters and upload them to the media. We were talking about that when we saw a lot of people congregating around a little stand about TMNT.

"Is that thing still popular?" I groaned, shaking my head.

"Looks like having Megan Fox playing a bad-kind-of-good April O'Neill helps the box office" Harrison kind-of agreed with me.

"Didn't Leia watched when she was like, our age?" I kept going, while passing by it. The booth was full with teenager girls, trying to take a picture with the guys in the turtles and rat costumes.

"I know!! That was light years away!!" Harrison snorted while listening to the background song.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Heroes in a half shell
Turtle power!

"And that song!! How many versions of the song were made?!" I was really hating it.

"If we need to talk about the song, I prefer the last one made, the one for the animated show" Harrison put his 'comparing' face, while I looked at him.

"The one where Donnie has a chipped tooth and a crush on April and Raph has a pet turtle? The one were Mikey is always 'buzz buzz'ing?! Seriously?!" To say I was losing respect for my twin was admitting the truth.

"And who do you know Donnie has a chipped tooth or that Raph has a pet turtle or that Mikey is always 'buzz buzz'?" he questioned me, suspicious. I simply pointed at the cardboard images of the stand, that were showing the turtles in different scenes of the show "Oh" was all Harrison said.

"C'mon, Harrison. Let's go to the conference. I wanna see the sneak peek of Star Wars" I admitted, walking to the bigger stands.


"That clip was amazing!!" I celebrated, after the two hours conferences about Star Wars.

"Totally!! I can't wait to see the rest of the movie!!" Harrison was acting just like me. Like if we died and went to heaven, with all our geek friends.

"I didn't sign up for this, guys!!" We heard a voice complaining. A voice we both knew. Curious, we followed the sound and we were back at the TMNT stand and we were facing the backs of the people who wore the costumes.

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