18. Escape Attempt

Start from the beginning

Jasper: *frustrated* Damn Fusions, I hate them with all my might! Wait a minute, where's my Diamond?! *looks around* No way!

[Jasper spots in the distance as Pink Steven is crushed again and again.]

Jasper: No, My Diamond! NOT AGAIN!

[Jasper flashes back to the moment when Pink Diamond is fighting Rose Quartz. She, in the distance, witnesses Rose slashing her sword through Pink Diamond's gemstone. Jasper then lets out a piercing scream and runs desperately to her Diamond's aid.]

Jasper: My Diamond!!

[That's when Pink Diamond poofs and pink shards of her "gemstone" fall to the ground, and then Rose Quartz escapes.]

Jasper: MY DIAMOND!!!!

【Back to the present.】

Jasper: My Diamond! Not this time!

[Jasper forces herself out of the wall and immediately rushes to Pink Steven's aid, despite still engaging in combat.]

Jasper: Hold on, I'm coming!!!

[As Pink Steven lies in a giant crater on the ground, Sugilite swings her flail, ready to crush him again.]

[Jasper runs as fast as she can to Pink Steven.]

Jasper: I'm gonna save you, My Diamond!!

Sugilite: It's over!

[Sugilite's flail is about to crush Pink Steven, but Jasper manages to pull Pink Steven out of the way at the last second.]

Jasper: My diamond, are you all right?!

Pink Steven: Y-Yeah. *stands up* This pink transformation makes my body much more resistant.

[The fusions run out of the palace and swiftly surround Steven and Jasper.]

Jasper: Damn it, we've been surrounded!

[Pink Steven and Jasper get back to back.]

Pink Steven: I didn't even get a chance to talk to my friends!

Jasper: And their strength increased considerably after they fused! I didn't take into account the possibility of them fusing to fight us! Grrr, that's playing dirty! This is why I hate fusions!!

Pink Steven: Jasper, it was a really bad idea to come to Homeworld without a plan in mind!

Jasper: That doesn't matter anymore! What's done is done, there's nothing we can do about it now!

Pink Steven: You're wrong!

Jasper: Huh?

Pink Steven: There's still something we can do.

Jasper: What is it?!

Pink Steven: Run away!

Jasper: What the--!? You're joking, right?! Look, we just gotta keep fighting to the death! There's no better way to die, am I right?!

Pink Steven: You don't understand! We have to run away and come up with a plan! If we die here, there'll be no one to save the universe!

Jasper: Ha, like I care about the damn universe. I live to fight, so I'll die fighting! Only cowards run away from the battlefield!

Pink Steven: Stubborn as ever, huh?

【Inside the palace.】

Holly Blue Agate: *walks up Spinel* Yo, Spinel!

Spinel: What is it, ma'am?!

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