Chapter 33

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•~•~•~•Tris's POV•~•~•~•

We all finally met up again inside our room, where Meri Sienna and Beth have made it look like a castle. Meri Sienna's golden hair is now French braided to the side, and they got a crown from somewhere.

The food that Marlene, Shauna and I got is sitting on the table in bags. We got a lot of stuff; Dauntless Cake, hamburger stuff, fries, drinks, chips, you name it, we've got it. We are now prepared for anything.

"Here are your water guns, ladies." Christina says, handing them out. Of course, because Christina picked them out, they're all bright pink.

"Gee, you didn't think maybe a dark, less noticeable colour would have worked better?" Marlene says.

"Oh, whatever, you know you love the pink." She says. I smile at her.

"Fine." I say. Christina gives me a high five.

"See?" I send her a death glare. She puts her hands up in surrender.

"Anyone hungry?" I ask. Meri Sienna's head pops up, and she runs over to me. I pick her up and swing her around, finally resting her on my hip.

"Are you hungry, Meri Sienna?" I ask.

She nods her head. "May I please have a hamburger, please?"

"Why don't you ask your Aunts and Beth if they want hamburgers?" I say. I set her down, and she goes flying like a bullet. I swipe my hand across my stomach, and start thinking about the baby. I wonder what the gender is...I hope it's another girl. I know Tobias wants a boy, but a girl would be perfect! Meri Sienna could play dress up with her, and when they're older they can do their nails together! Oh Christina, what have you done to me.

Meri Sienna comes running back to me.

"They all said yes! Could we please have hamburgers?" She says. She can pronounce her words perfectly, but she still has her baby speech.

"We sure can!" I say to her. I turn to Christina. "Can you get out the supplies?" I ask.

"Yes, Ma'am." She says, and goes over to get the 'Campfire Barbecue'. Basically, they found it in the store, and it's this little barbecue that runs on gas, and it's safe for indoor areas. I get the patties, lettuce, ketchup, etc. Christina gives me the barbecue.

"I want to help!" Meri Sienna says.

"Do you want to put the patties on?" I say, and she nods.

"Okay!" I say, and I lift her up. She takes a patty out of the pile, and puts it on the grill. Slowly, one by one, the pile of patties disappears. I put Meri Sienna down.

"All done!" She says, clapping her hands together excitedly. She runs over to Beth and whispers something in her ear. Beth nods.

"Later..." I hear Beth say. I flip the patties, and a few minutes later they're done. I make a burger for Meri Sienna, cutting it down a bit so that she can fit it in her mouth. The girls all come up and make their burgers, except for Beth.

"Beth, do you want a burger?" I ask, while making one for myself. I load it with cheese and pickles.

"I can have one?" She asks, cleary shocked.

"Of course! You're part of the Girls team, right?"

"I, uh...I guess so...?" She says.

"Then go ahead! Make yourself two if you want!" I say. If she's going to be part of the team, we need to make her feel like she's part of the team. She blushes, and leans her head down.

"Thanks." She says, getting up. I sit down next to Christina, and Meri Sienna comes to sit on my lap. I bite into my burger, and Meri Sienna bites into hers.

"Hmmm...these are pretty good, Tris!" Shauna says. Meri Sienna puts on a pouty face.

"I helped!" She says. We all laugh.

"Of course you did, Princess, your help is what makes them so good!" I say, kissing her forehead. She smiles.

"Really?" She looks up at me.

"Really, really." I say. She stands up and gives me a kiss on my cheek. I put my burger down.

"Aww, come 'ere." I say, pulling her onto me. I start to tickle her, and Christina joins in, then Marlene, Shauna, and even Lynn. Meri Sienna is thrashing around, laughing so hard that her face is streaked with tears.

"Mama *giggle* please stop-" She inturrupts herself by laughing.

"But it's too much fun!" I say, and she laughs harder.

"No!" She screams, then giggles.

"Alright, alright. I think she's getting tired." I say. We all stop tickling her, and she yawns.

"I'm n...I'm not tired!" She says through a yawn. She lies down on me, and I can tell that she is struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Goodnight, baby." I say, giving her a goodnight kiss.

"Goodnight." She mumbles. I put my finger up to my lip.

"We have to be quiet for now." I whisper.

"Okay." Christina whispers back. I pick Meri Sienna up, and carry her over to the hide-a-bed. I set her down and tuck her in. I look back at the door, and see a note.

I went back home. I don't know if I'll be able to come around again tomorrow, but I had fun.


"Beth went home." I say, and the girls nod.

"Okay. I hope she got home safe." Marlene pipes in.


"Christina, truth or dare?" I whisper.

"Truth." She says.

"Are you planning on getting pregnant in the future? Because Meri Sienna told me that she would like a play mate." I ask. Christina turns serious, and Marlene and Shauna stiffen.

"" She stutters, "I am." She finishes.

"Me too." Marlene says, nodding her head.

"Same here, Tris." Shauna replies. What? We're all pregnant? Well okay, most of us. Lynn isn't.

"Lynn?" I ask.

"No, do you guys not remember that I'm a lesbian?" She replies breathily.

"Oh, right. Sorry." I say. I peek a look at Meri Sienna, to check if she's still asleep. I see her small chest rise and fall in a rhythm, and that means that she's still asleep. I look back to our group; we're all sitting cross-legged in a circle.

"Tris?" Christina whispers to me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What about you? Are you pregnant?" She asks.

"Around two months now." I say with a smile. I can't wait for this baby.

"EEE! I can't believe it! We're all pregnant! Our babies are gonna be best friends, maybe even boyfriend and girlfriend!" She whisper-yells.

"Woah, woah, calm down there, Christina. They aren't even born yet, and no dating until they're at least sixteen." I say.

"SIXTEEN?!?! I had my first boyfriend when I was thirteen!" Christina whispers. We all give her a look.

"Thirteen?" I sigh. I know I'm going to lose this argument. "Fine, but we have to know the boy or girl first." We all agree on that. I stand up, brushing off invisible dirt.

"Let's get to bed, okay? We can discuss more baby stuff in the morning." I say. I put the chair against the door, lock the two locks, and get in bed beside Meri Sienna. I brush her hair out of her face, and kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight, baby." I say.

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