Chapter 30

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•~•~•~•Tris's POV•~•~•~•
When we fling open the doors to the Pit, they smash into the walls and make a huge noise. Everyone looks over at us, and I put Meri Sienna down. She goes squealing over to Christina, and hides behind her legs.
"What's going on?" Christina asks me.
"Well, Four was trying to tickle our feet, so we ran." I say, smiling. Christina smiles and laughs as she picks up Meri Sienna. And then both of their smiles fade.
"Oh no." Christina says. I turn around, and see Tobias a few feet away from us, smiling.
"RUN!" I yell. We all start running away, but Meri Sienna somehow got out of Christina's grasp. She squeals, and runs around the tables, and Tobias tags her. She stops running, and tags Tobias back. Then I run up, pick her up, and we all run, Tobias chasing us. Christina is slowing down.
"Hurry!" Meri Sienna yells. Tobias tags her, and then I realize Christina's plan. I laugh, and I run faster. I run behind a table, the occupants start scattering. Meri Sienna giggles. Tobias runs over to our table, and we wait for Christina to come.
But she doesn't come. Instead, she goes back to our table, and tags Uriah. Oh no. She runs over to us, with Uriah chasing her.
"Split up!" She yells, and then our whole group is spread around the cafeteria section of the Pit. Let the games begin.
"Oh, that was fun. We have to do that more often." Christina says. I nod at the sleeping Meri Sienna.
"Yeah, it tuckered her out pretty well," I say, "Want to come over for a bit?" I ask her. Tobias looks at me. His eyes say no, but mine say yes.
"Sure! We can totally hang out and do our nails and curl our hair and have popcorn and-"
"Christina. It's not a sleepover." She lifts up one eyebrow.
"Or is it?" She says.
"Oh no."
"Oh yes!" She says, clapping her hands.
"Ugh, fine," I grunt, "but tell Will that you're staying." She runs behind us, I'm guessing back to Will.
"Run while you can." I say, and we book it to our apartment. Five minutes later though, in comes Christina with a bobby pin in one hand.
"Let's get this party started!" She says. She goes out of the apartment, and a few seconds later comes in with a giant backpack.
"What on Earth is in there?" I ask. In response, she opens it, and I see tons of nail polish, makeup, curling iron, anything you can think of.
"Hey! I said no makeup for a week!" I say.
"Six days, 12 hours, and 2 minutes! Anyway, it's not for me." She says. What? Oh crap.
"No no no no, you're not putting that on me." I say.
"Not for you, either." She says, with a devil-ish grin on her face. She leans in.
"We separate into two groups. Boys have one sleepover, girls have another. At 2, when they should all be asleep, we go over to their place. You see what I'm getting at?" She whispers. I nod, an evil smile making it's way onto my face, too.
"I already told Will to tell everybody, so the girls should be here around..." There's a knock on the door. I get up to open it, but the girls come piling in. I forgot the door was unlocked.
"Okay, Four, out!" I say.
"Go to room 2193!" Christina says. I guess that's where their sleepover is. Lynn, Marlene, Shauna, Christina and I all sit on the couch. Meri Sienna is asleep, so we all try to be quiet.
"Let's do this!" Christina says, pulling out the backpack. Christina pulls out the nail polish, and we all get different colours. Lynn took black, Marlene took a dark red, Christina took bright pink, and I took a sparkly deep purple. Just as we've finished setting down our tissues, (so that we don't get nail polish everywhere) I hear Meri Sienna's door creak. I look over, and see Meri Sienna tiredly making her way over to me.
"Hi mama." She says, putting her head on my lap. I stroke her head, and pick her up.
"Hi, baby." I say. That reminds me of the baby currently inside of me.
"Hey Meri Sienna, want to join us?" Marlene asks.
"Okay." She replies.
"What colour do you want? Do you want Aunt Christina's, Aunt Lynn's, Aunt Marlene's or mine?" I ask her.
"Mmm...your's." She says.
After a while, it's time to do the boys' makeup. We all took a nap, so when Christina's phone goes off, we pick up the makeup containers. We managed to get Meri Sienna to come along, too, so this should be fun.
We make our way over to room 2193, and Christina gets out the bobby pin again. She somehow gets the door unlocked, and we sneak in. We open the makeup containers, and we let Meri Sienna loose.
The deed is done. The boy's all have 'pretty' makeup on, meaning it's so hideous AND it's waterproof. We go back to the apartment, and we lock the door. We also put a chair against it, just in case. Then we all go back to sleep.
•~•~•~•Peter's POV•~•~•~•

(Bonus for all you readers😉)

I lay in my bed, cuddling my beloved butterknife. I think about this morning, when I saw Tris's group having fun. I didn't join them, because I can't get into their group of friends. I start to cry, and hold my dear butterknife closer to my body, and think about their group. It would be so amazing to join their fun, but I can't, because I'm a big meanie.

"But you don't mind, right, Butterknife?" I ask. I start twitching, and I cry harder. They are always having so much fun. I can never have fun, the doctors at Erudite say I'm going mentally insane, but my butterknife always tells me that their just jealous.

"They are just jealous." I say, cuddling my butterknife.

"I love you, Butterknife." I say, kissing the tip. It cuts my lip.

"Ow! Butterknife, that wasn't very nice!" I say, licking my bleeding lip. I cry harder, I just want to join their group. I close my eyes, and imagine myself frolicking through a flower garden, holding hands with Butterknife. With that, I fall asleep.

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