Chapter 8

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🔥Tris POV🔥

I go back to the apartment alone; Tobias is still working. I see no need to try running anymore, I'm not worried.

My belly is huge now, and it seems almost impossible, but it will get bigger. I love this baby, I think about it almost every minute of the day. My hand goes to my belly. I hardly even realize I'm doing this gesture, I usually only realize it when I go to reach for something. I run into Uriah in the hall.

"Hey Tris! Woah," He says, looking at my huge belly.

"Hey, and I know! It's crazy! Soon I won't even be able to walk properly without help," I say. He looks astonished.

"Wow. You guys are going to be great parents, I can tell. I think everyone can tell," He says. I blush.

"Thank you Uriah. How have you been?" I ask.

"Pretty good, we all miss you at lunchtime though. How have you been?" He asks.

"Four and I have been great, and maybe I will have to come down and eat with you guys. Would that be okay?" I say, knowing the answer will be yes.

"Yeah, of course! Everyone would love it," He says.

"Well, sorry, but I've got to go now, I am going to have a nap because I'm getting really tired," I say.

"Oh, okay. See you soon, Tris!" He says as I start walking again. He is a great friend. Has everyone really been missing me? Why? I'm no one special.

I reach the door, and go inside. I plop down on the bed, curl up, and go to sleep for a while.


All I can think about for the rest of my work day is my baby. My baby was kicking! I can't believe it! It's finally the end of my shift. I pack up my things and run home. I feel a sudden urge to be with Tris and my daughter.

When I get inside, I put down my notebook, pen, and all the other things I take to work. I go into the bedroom, and find Tris lying on the bed, all sprawled out. She looks so cute when she's sleeping. I go and lie with her, taking her into my arms. I quickly fall asleep too, me inhaling her scent, while I fall into sleep land.

When we wake up, I'm very happy. I don't have to go to work today.

"Tobias, can we go to the cafeteria at lunch? Uriah says everyone misses us," Says Tris.

"Sure honey, lunch is in..." I look at my watch. OH MY GOD lunch is in 15 minutes! "Fifteen minutes," I finish.

"Alright, then let's get ready," She says. We both get ready really fast, and in no time we are heading to the cafeteria.

🔥Tris POV🔥

"Hey! Guys look! They came!" Screams out Uriah, pointing to us. We wave at them. We get into our seats, my belly just barely touching the table.

"Wow Tris, how far along are you again?" Christina asks.

"I'm about 6 months," I answer. They all stare at me and Tobias.

"What? It will take nine months! Get used to it," I say defensively.

"No no, it's just that, you're so..." Says Zeke.

"Big? I know. It's crazy, right?" I say. Right then the baby starts kicking.

"Yeah, is there anything new with you guys?" Asks Christina.

"Yes actually, the baby started kicking. I've felt it. Tris didn't know, and came to me during work. She was so freaked out. No one really taught any of us about it," Tobias says.

"In fact, the baby is kicking right now, anyone want to feel it?" I ask them.

"Yes!" They all scream. One by one, I lead their hands to where she's kicking. They all look amazed. I suddenly remember about lunch. I start eating. Tobias puts an arm around me, and puts his hand on my belly.

"I love you,"He whispers.

"I love you too," I say. After lunch, we say goodbye to our friends, and go back to the apartment, hand in hand. The rest of the day we just watch random movies, shows, anything that sounds cool. When we are going to sleep, I cuddle into him, breathing in his smell. He smells so good. We finally fall asleep, soothing each other.


Yeah I know short chapter but whateves i'm not breaking my streak of update days yet. Also my mom caught me and i somehow passed it off as 'just checking the time' ur welcome.

Stay awesome,


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