Chapter Tris

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I wake up before Tris does, so I carefully get up, and get dressed. I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast, and even though I really want to get her back, it may not be a good idea since she's pregnant. I finish making breakfast, and I set it on the table. I hear her throwing up in the washroom.

"Are you alright, Tris?" I yell so she can hear me.

"Yeah, it's just the *blurgh* morning sickness," She says. I go to the washroom and hold back her hair. Once she finishes, I tell her that I've made breakfast.

"Aww, thanks honey!" She says. We go to the table and start eating. I made her extra food, because I know she'll eat it all.

"So, are we still going to find out the gender today?" Tris asks me.

"Only if you want to, Tris," I say.

"Yeah, I want to find out. I want to know if I'm having a baby boy or a baby girl," She says with a smile.

"Alright, then let's get ready to go!" I say with excitement. I can't wait to be a daddy! Secretly I want it to be a girl, I don't really know why. We head to the infirmary, and ask to know the gender. We have been sitting now for around 15 minutes. Finally the nurse calls us in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Eaton?" She calls. A/N sry didn't explain they got eloped secretly. I hope you don't hate me!

Tris and I get up and go to the room the nurse leads us to.

"Alright, now Tris, can you lift up your shirt for me? I will put the gel on your stomach like yesterday, but today we will be finding out the gender," Says the nurse. Tris lifts up her shirt obediently. The nurse rolls the wand thing around on Tris's bump. The nurse stares at the screen.

"You are having a..." The nurse starts before I(the writer) decides to have a cliff hanger. :) :) :)

Sorry for the short chapter but I'm really busy today! I have like, no time, cuz I'm going to my grandparents house in a bit and I have to get ready and all, so don't hate me. I've been doing pretty well so far.

Stay divergent,


P.S. During writing this I tried to bite off a hang nail and I bite off the skin instead. I was like FLURB that FLURBing hurts!!! RAAA!!! Then continued on writing like the dauntless that I am. Your welcome. 😡😡😡😡 it still hurts. It also started bleeding.

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