Chapter 21

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~Tobias's POV~

I storm out of the apartment. I find myself going to our spot in the Chasm. I sit down on the wet rock and think. I have to find a way to get her to listen to me. I have to get her back. I just hope that Meri Sienna is fine, but I highly doubt that. She doesn't know what I was doing, nor do I, but it definitely looked bad. Otherwise, she wouldn't have freaked. They don't know what happened to me first, but Meri Sienna won't understand what a serum is. At least Tris will, if I can even get her to listen.

Wait, maybe Christina could help me?

I jump up from my spot on the rock, carefully so I don't slip. Hopefully Christina went home. I go over to her apartment, and knock on the door. Will opens it.

"Hey Four, what brings you here?" He asks.

"Is Christina back from Tris and I's apartment yet?" I ask quickly.

"Yeah, she just got home maybe five minutes ago. Come on in, I'll go get her." He says.

"Thanks, but please, don't say that I'm at the door, just say somebody's at the door and wanted to see her." I plead. Wow. I've never done that before in Dauntless.

"Um, okay?" He says, more like a question. He goes into their room, where I'm guessing Christina is. A couple minutes later, Christina comes out of the room with Will. She stops in her tracks once she sees me, and glares like there's no tomorrow.

"What do you want, Four?" She spits the words out like they're venom in her mouth.

"I really need your help, Christina." I say.

"And why should I help you?" She says, still glaring.

"Because, because...Ugh! Okay, just-let me explain to you what happened." I say. She sits down on her couch, and pats the seat next to her.

"Then explain yourself." She says. YES!

"Alright, so---------

*explaining which I'm too lazy to write*

"Oh. Well, sorry for not giving you a chance. I can help you out with Tris if you want?" She says.

"Oh my god Christina thank you so much!" I say.

"Hmm, having Four at my mercy here...pretty awesome...maybe I could drag it out a little?" Christina says.

"What?" I ask.

"I SAID THAT OUT LOUD?" She says, her eyes widening. I laugh.

"Yes, yes you did. Now can you help me or not?" I ask.

"Yeah yeah, I can help you. Just give me a minute." She says, pulling out her phone. Phones are a new thing here, but Christina being the crazy shopper that she is, probably bought one for her AND Tris.

"Hey Tris, *sniffle* can you get here in like, 5 minutes?" Christina says.

"Okay, great. See you soon! Oh and bring Meri Sienna! Bye girly!" She says, before ending the call.

"Thank you so much Christina!" I say.

"Just wait, she may forgive you, but Meri Sienna is still pretty little, so she probably won't enjoy you being around for a little while." She says. Ahh, back to her Candor self. Saying the first thought on her mind.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Four, go into the hall so she can't see you. Otherwise she probably won't even come in." Will tells me. I nod, and go to the hall.

Sorry its so short and i kinda left off at a cruddy place but I'm going to the pool in a few minutes and managed to whip this up. so yeah.

I'm just too hot sauce to be a potato, Bye!

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