Tris and Tobias April Fools

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Tris wakes up in her apartment, her blond hair in a mess on the top of her head. She started getting ready to head to the Pit. She'd had a lot of thought about what she would do for April Fools Day this year, seeing as Tobias had always gotten her really good. She thought that maybe she could pretend to be in the chasm, hanging on ropes, but then she thought that it wouldn't be very funny, and may result in them having a very big fight. She started heading over to the Pit, where her and Tobias agreed to meet.

"Hey, where are you going?" Said Tobias as he put his arms around Tris' waist.

"I was just going to see you! I guess I don't have to go anywhere now," Tris told him.

"Well, if you want some Dauntless cake you might want to go," At this, Tris perked up and ran to the cafeteria part of the Pit. Tobias started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Tris yelled from across the room.

"You'll see..." Said Tobias mischievously. Then Tris got the perfect idea. She would get the hottest hot sauce she could find, make a hole in a piece of Dauntless cake, and put it inside of the cake.

After Tobias left for work in the Control Room, Tris payed for two pieces of Dauntless cake. She took them back to her apartment, then called Christina, and told her the plan. Christina agreed, and she got the hottest hot sauce in the whole Dauntless compound.

Just after the girls had finished with their plan, Tobias left his work. He started down the hall for Tris and Tobias' apartment, and suddenly remember about his plan. He was going to...


Hey guys I'm sorry for the very short chapter but I am not sure what Tobias should do! The other chapters will actually be in somebody's pov, not in third person. This is actually a school assignment, but I will change it to just mine, not for school, in the next chapter. Kay? Please comment what you think Tobias should do! I can't think of anything!

Stay divergent my fellow divergents,


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