Chapter 9

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🔥Tris POV🔥

I wake up in his arms, with his lips on my forehead, in a kiss that probably lasted all night long. One of his hands is on my belly, where the baby is. I put my hand on top of it, and kiss his lips. He is so hot. I love him. He starts to stir.

"Hey babe, how long have you been up?" He asks groggily.

"Not long, but you have to get up soon, okay? Remember that you have to go to Zeke's," I say. He groans and untangles himself from me, gets dressed, and is starting breakfast, all in about 5 minutes. He cooks me two plates of food, and one for himself. I get up and get dressed in my maternity clothes. I stop at the mirror, and look at my belly for a minute, before Tobias calls me for breakfast. I go to the kitchen, and scream.

"You cooked my favourite?!?! You are the very bestest husband ever!" I scream, and he pulls me into a hug.

"Well, you deserve it, Tris," He says. My mood goes south.

"No I don't, I don't deserve anything! I am the worst person in the world!" I say.

"No you are not, don't listen to people who say that, okay?" He says.

"Okay..." I mumble. He takes my face in his hands.

"No, do not listen to them, okay?" He says a little more sternly. Then he kisses me, and I kiss back. I break away, and go to eat my food. By the way he made chocolate chip pancakes. He sits down opposite me, and eats his food in 10 minutes.

"I'm going to go, Tris. I love you," He says. He comes over to me and kisses me goodbye.

"Bye, Tobias! I love you too," I say, as he walks out the door.

*time lapse to nighttime* (cuz I don't want to write it blah blah blah)

I'm going to go and get Tobias, he's been out quite a while. I get dressed in some black maternity clothes, because I'd had a nap while he was out. I grab a sweater, and have a little trouble putting on my shoes, because of my belly. When I finally get them on, I lock the door behind me. I go over to Zeke's apartment, where I know they are all probably drunk. I just hope I don't end up puking there. I reach his door, and knock. He opens the door after about 2 minutes of me just waiting there, and he pulls me into a gigantic hug. Yep, I was right, the room smells like beer and vodka.

"Hello to you too, Zeke," I say sarcastically. Then he does something he probably shouldn't have. He kisses me, passionately. I don't kiss him back, but I can't get away; his grip is too tight. I try hitting his arms frantically, but it doesn't work. Tobias comes in. He looks pretty drunk, too. He sees me, and a hurt look crosses his face.

"Tobias, Tobias help me, please!" I try to say, but it comes out more of a murrmfblsbfkebfe, if you know what I mean. He looks just plain angry now.

"How could you, Tris? I thought you loved me!" He says. I am desperate now. I give Zeke a very hard slap to the face, and he lets go of his grip on me. I run over and cower behind Tobias. I am literally shaking now, I hope this doesn't harm the baby in any way.

"Tobias, please. I just came over to get you! Then he started kissing me, he grabbed me, I couldn't get out of his grasp!" I say so desperately it hurts. I am breathing really heavily now.

"Oh, I see," He says. He sets his jaw, and walks up to Zeke, who is smiling like crazy.

"I can't believe you, Zeke. I thought you were my friend," Says Tobias, then he punches Zeke in the jaw, then I'm pretty sure he just broke Zeke's nose. He walks over to me, the angry look still in his eyes, and my eyes widen with every step he takes. He is really close now, my eyes are as wide as they can possibly go, I'm shaking, and I try to back up, but I only hit the wall. I shield our baby, incase he does anything. He doesn't. He grabs my arm, a little harshly, and storms out the door. He slams the door shut, and keeps walking. Zeke had grabbed my arm really tight, I think it may be either broken, or badly bruised, because it is hurting like crazy right now. I can feel my face contort into a constant look of hurt, but Tobias doesn't seem to notice. I don't think I'm going to make it home. Tobias is grabbing that spot, and I feel like I'm going to puke.

Oh crap. My vision is going blurry, and there are dark spots dancing around. I feel my eyelids droop, and I feel dangerously light headed. I think my legs are giving out.

"T-Tobias, h-help m-"I say, but I don't get it all out, because everything goes black.


Don't worry. Be happy.

Yeah I know after this it's hard to be happy, but try. I wouldn't actually break up Fourtris! Just wait and see, my young padawons. Just wait, and see. *fades to black*

Stay reading this book please,


P.S. 4+4+4=12 12=6+6 which means 1 Tobias is available. He's mine. Mine. MINE! I DON'T SHARE! Haha my friend Sie Sie bear, you are welcome for this. ;)

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