Chapter 15

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New cover's up! Thanks to LOVEOWLS11!!! Go check her out! She was the only one who actually offered to help me make a new one! She is one of my real life buddies, along with I_AM_A_DIVERGENT, miya923, and a bunch more! Oh great. I just heard my mom saying that she is going to make a dentist appointment for me to take out some of my teeth. I LIKE MY TEETH THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! XD

Anyways, here is chapter 15!

🔥Tris's POV🔥

I get to take my baby home today! Tobias and I are so happy, we can't wait to take Meri Sienna home with us, we will finally be a family!

"Let's go get our baby," Says Tobias. I follow him to the doctor, and we ask him if we can take our baby home today.

"Yes you can, and she is so cute. I wish you the best of luck!" He says.

"Thanks!" I say back. We take Meri Sienna home, and I unlock the door. It's really dark, even darker than usual. I turn on the lights, and everyone we know jumps out from their hiding places, and scares the living hell out of me! A huge banner goes from one end of the room to the other, saying, "Happy First Day Home Meri Sienna!"

"Aww, guys you didn't have to do this! It's so sweet! Thank you guys so much!" I say above them.

"Oh, just wait guys, there's more!" Says Will. We follow them all into the finished nursery! It's got black and pink walls, with a pink dauntless symbol on the black wall. The walls go like this: black, pink, black, pink. It has a pink dresser on one of the black walls, and a black crib on one of the pink walls. It has a black rocking chair, and a bunch of baby toys. It all fits so perfectly, I can tell they spent a lot of time on this.

"Thank you so much guys! You have no idea how much this means to us!" I say. Meri Sienna wakes up, and starts crying from all the noise in the room. I hold her close to me, and eventually her cries become little wimpers.

"Does anybody want to hold her?" I ask.

"Me me me me me me me me me me me me!" Says Uriah.

"Okay little Uriah, sit down in the chair," I say, making everyone laugh. Zeke tussles Uriah's hair, making Uriah turn a deep shade of pink.

"Hey! You match the walls!" Says Zeke. I have to sit down because I'm laughing so hard. Ahh, brotherly love.

"Shut up Zekella!" Yells Uriah, making us all laugh harder. Even Meri Sienna is laughing, even though she doesn't even know what's going on. Her laughs are so cute! Everyone's attention goes to her, even though Zeke and Uriah and still punching each other, faces to us.

"Alright, hold your arms out like this," I say, showing him how to hold her, "and here you go," I say, putting Meri Sienna in his arms. She grabs his hand, and shoves it in his face, making us all laugh. He tickles her, making her laugh. Eventually everyone has held her, and by now, they have all left, leaving us to ourselves. We are now laying in bed, with Meri Sienna in an extra crib at the end of it. Soon we will put her in her room, but for now, we just want to make sure she's safe.

Yeah I know short chapter but it seems a lot bigger on my iPod! Sorry for not updating lately, but I'm really busy, and I don't exactly have the time. In a little over a month, my school is having the grade seven leaving ceremony, so I have to get ready for it, considering I haven't even gotten my dress yet. That is why I'm so busy, because we are all getting ready for it, and I spend most of my time shopping with my mom for the perfect dress. Yes, I'm in grade 7. I'm 13. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it? Lol jk.


Oh screw it. It's Meri.

Tris and Tobias, a family.Where stories live. Discover now