Chapter 16

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I wake in the morning to a little high pitched scream. I open my eyes, and look over to the crib. Oh my god. Meri Sienna isn't in it. I bolt up, and run out of the bedroom door. I go into the living room, but nobody's there. I follow the whimpers, and end up in the nursery. I watch Tris calming her down for a bit, then I clear my throat. Tris jumps a little, and turns around, holding Meri Sienna in her arms.

"Oh, god you scared me Tobias! Did we wake you up honey?" She says.

"Well, um..." I pause, but I see no reason to lie to her, "Yeah, but it's alright. I got to watch my two beautiful ladies." I say, and kiss Tris on the lips, then Meri Sienna on her forehead.

"Well, I think I'm going to go back to sleep, okay?" Says Tris.

"Okay." I take Meri Sienna from her arms, and coo her.

"Hey there little lady, how are you?" I say. She gurgles in reply, and I smile.

"Good. I love you, Merbi." I say, and cuddle her in my arms. I start dancing to no music with her, and I cuddle her close.

"I love you, baby," I say, over and over. Eventually Meri Sienna falls asleep on my shoulder, and I find that she is drooling on me. I smile, and put her in her nursery crib.

*time lapse to 2 years later* (oh stop ur complainin)
(btw Eric is back to normal but he's way nicer) (ur welcome)

"Tris, come on, lunch is only in a few minutes!" I say.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," She says. She comes out of Meri Sienna's room with her. Meri Sienna is in a little black and purple dress that looks so cute on her, and a matching headband. We are going to meet the group in the cafeteria, and show them what Meri Sienna can do now.

"Dwaddy!" Meri Sienna says, and stretches out her arms to me.

"Hi, baby girl! Come here," I say, and take her from Tris's arms.

"I wove you dwaddy!" She says in her cute baby voice.

"Aww, I love you too Merbi!" I say, and she laughs. She loves being called Merbi.

"Alright, let's go guys!" Tris says. Meri Sienna smiles at her.

"Okay Mama!" She says. We get to the cafeteria, and pull out a high chair for Meri Sienna. One by one, they all arrive.

"So how have you all been?" I ask.

"Oh, pretty good I guess, how are you guys?" Christina says.

"Should we show them?" I ask Tris. She nods.

"Alright then. Meri Sienna, what is your favourite thing in the whole intire world?"

"Mama and Dwaddy! Can I pwease have swome more chocowate cake?" She says. Her face is covered in it. And when I say covered, I mean covered. I look around at everybody's faces. They're so shocked. Christina looks so proud.

"Do you know who I am Meri Sienna?" Asks Christina. She nods.

"Auntie Christina!"

"Aww! You are so cute Meri Sienna!" She gushes. They all take turns asking her, and she gets all of them right. Then Eric comes over to the table.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks her. She looks at him with such a confused look on her face. After a minute, she shakes her head.

"My name is Eric. I'm one of the leaders here." He says. She smiles.

"Hello Erwic. It's verwy nice to meet you!" She says politely, just like we taught her. She sounds like a little tiny lady, the way she talks.

"It's nice to meet you too, what is your name?" He asks.

"Merwi Sienna," She says. I then realize she still has chocolate cake all over her face.

"I think I'm going to go and get Merbi all cleaned up," I say, picking her up.

"Bye bye!" She says, waving to the group. I go into the washroom, and grab a couple face wipes. After she's all clean, she hugs me tightly.

"I wove you so so so so so mwuch daddy!" She says.

"I love you too, baby girl." I say.

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