Chaper 12

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When we get to the Pit, I see someone. They turn around, and I see it's Zeke. Oh god, Zeke?!?! Tobias is going to kill him! Tobias turns around, and starts going the long way home.

"But Tobias, I don't wanna walk all that way," I complain.

"Deal with it, Tris. We are not going through the Pit right now," He says.

"But T-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I said, we are NOT going through the Pit right now!" He says in his scary instructor voice. I must look pretty scared, and be pretty scared, because my eyes well up with tears. He closes his eyes and sighs.

"Sorry, it's just, I can't even bear to look at him, " He says, looking ashamed that he scared me. I hug him.

"It's alright, just next time, don't use your scary instructor voice, okay?" I say. He laughs.

"My scary instructor voice, huh?" He says.

"Yeah! You scare people with that voice! Especially me!" I say. He smiles, grabs my hand, and carries me the rest of the way. I'm glad, because I get very tired when I walk around a lot.

🔥time lapse to 3 months later...OOOOOO BREAD!!!🔥(😹)

I just sit on the couch, watching T.V. I'm waiting for Tobias to come home. I'm hungry and I don't/can't get up, really. He should be home any minute. I hear the door open and close.

"Hey Tris, I'm home," Says Tobias.

"Tobias I'm hungry," I whine.

"Well then get up and get something to eat," He says.

"But I can't get up," I stick out my bottom lip and pout. He laughs.

"Fine, what do you want to eat?" He asks. Hmmm. What DO I want to eat?

"I don't know, something? Um, do we have watermelon?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think so, I'll go check" He says. He goes into the kitchen, where I can't see him. About five minutes later, he comes out with a plate of watermelon. I smile.

"Thanks! Come feel this," I say. He comes over, and sits down next to me. I put his hand on my belly, and the baby starts kicking. She always kicks when he's around. She is definitely going to be a daddy's girl. I use my belly as a table and put the plate on it.


Tris leads my hand to her stomach, and I feel the baby kicking. Tris is half way through her ninth month, so the baby could come at any moment. She puts her watermelon on her stomach, using it as a table. I grin. I guess it is big enough. Tris finishes her watermelon, she has been really craving it lately, and we get ready for bed. I eat of course, but quickly. Tris usually has nightmares about being kidnapped by Peter, Drew, and Al if I'm not there. I go and lie down next to Tris, and she cuddles into me as much as she can. Then we fall asleep.


K sry guys four the short chapters lately. Thats it. No excuses. I'm sorry. I will at least update every Wednesday, because I'm getting tired of updating every day. Its why my chapters are so short. Also, in this chapter, whoever can find the writing mistake first, second, third and fourth will get a shout out. Yeah I put in a contest. Btw the whole authors note doesnt count. Also it has to be a private message so people can't cheat.

Stay with me here,


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