Chapter 13

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Wow you guys im shocked no one has caught onto what the grammar error was yet...😱😱😱 anyway the contest is still on but hurry up cuz im getting tired of waitin'


I awake to moaning. I roll back over, but I feel something on the bed. I look at Tris, and she grabs my arm, hard. What was that thing on the bed? I feel around for it again. My hands finally find it, and it leads to where Tris is. Oh crap. I think the baby's coming. Tris is breathing heavily, and I don't think she can even talk.

"Do you think the baby's coming?" I ask very anxiously. She nods her head so much I think her neck might pop off.

"Can you get up and get dressed?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"!"She manages to get out. I get up, throw on a shirt, and dress Tris quickly. I pick her up like a bride, and go out the door. I look at my watch, it's 4:46 in the morning!

"Tris, how long did this go on?" I ask.

"About...1...hour got...up," She gets out. Oh god, which means she might already be crowning. She holds me so tight, she's probably stronger than Marcus right now! I run the rest of the way to the infirmary. When I get there, I run to the nurse, and demand a room. Tris screams a very painful scream.

"Right this way guys, I'll go and get the doctor," Says the nurse. Tris screams again. I lay her down on the bed, and hold her hand. I kiss her forehead.

"I love you, Tris. I do, and I always will," I say.


"You're right, I don't. But I also had to live with Marcus for 16 years. In the same house. You are so strong Tris, after all you've done, you can deliver a baby, too," I say encouragingly. She just puts her head on my shoulder and screams again. The doctor comes in, and gets right to work. He tells us the manoeuvres, and in no time Tris is pushing.

^_^ 3 hours later ^_^

"I can' this...anymore!" Tris yells out.

"Yes you can, just remember what we will get out of it," I say calmly. She grunts.

"Okay, Tris, on your next contraction, I need you to push as hard as you possibly can, okay?" The doctor says.

"Okay," Tris replies through gritted teeth.

"1...2...3," Says the doctor. Tris squeezes my hand and screams. I hear a little tiny cry, and this time I know it's not Tris's. I look over, and see a little person, MY little person, in the doctor's arms.

"It's a girl! Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asks me.

"Yeah!" I scream. Tris laughs. She looks very pale. The doctor gives me special scissors, and shows me how to cut it. I cut the cord, and the nurse takes my baby over to the sink, to clean her.

"Any names yet guys?" The doctor asks us. I nod to Tris.

"Yes, her name is Meri Sienna Leah Eaton," Tris says. A/N your welcome guys. u no who u r. ;)


The doctor puts my new baby on my chest, she has a tiny little hooked nose, a lot like mine though, she has a lot of my features, and a little tuft of brown hair, like Tobias's. She's crying a lot right now, although the doctor says it's normal. She opens her eyes, and Tobias smiles like crazy. She has his wonderful deep blue eyes.

"She's perfect Tobias. Our own little person, running around the apartment," I say. He kisses me.

"She looks like you, Tris. She is so cute. Hello Meri, I'm your daddy, and this is your mama, I promise that nothing will ever happen to you, I won't let anything happen. You are so cute, and so perfect. I'm glad you look like your mama," Says Tobias, talking to Meri. She smiles, and snuggles a little into my body. Oh my god she is so cute.

"Should we call her just Meri, or Meri Sienna, Tobias?" I ask him.

"Let's call her Meri Sienna. It sounds nice," He says, kissing me again. Just then, Christina, Al, Will, Uriah, Zeke, Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn burst into the room.

"Gee guys, it's so empty in this room," I say sarcastically. They laugh.

"Oka,y I can't take it anymore! Can I please hold your baby, 10?" Says Christina, using our names put together. I hand her over, carefully, showing them how to hold her.

"Aww Tris! She is so cute!" Christina says, cooing Meri Sienna. Everyone agrees. Eventually everyone gets to hold her, and they all know her name. Her full one, and her everyday one. Then someone knocks at the door.

"May we come in and see our..."


Hey guys here's last Wednesdays update sry I didn't update my great aunt died and I've been having a really hard time with it. I was a lot like her, and she was just all in all a great and awesome person. I don't want peoples apologies though, because it's not your fault. It's cancers fault, and it was for the best, because my great uncle died a while ago, and she thought that he left her. But now she's with him again, and I'm happy if she is happy. I will hopefully update Wednesdays on time, but who knows. Also, to sienna and Leah, I'd better be hearing a lot of thank you's tomorrow. U know who u r.

Stay with fourtris and kill zombies on COD Black Ops,



I'm. Awesome. That's. Just. The. Truth. Also. When. You. Are. Reading. This. The. Voice. In. Your. Mind. Is. Pausing. Haha. Lol. Deal. With. It.

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