Chapter 29

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•~•~•~•Tris's POV•~•~•~•
When we got home, we immediately sent Meri Sienna to bed, because it was way past her bedtime, and she was falling asleep on the way home. I can't wait until the new baby's here, I wonder how Meri Sienna will react. I wonder how much he/she is going to cry. I guess it won't be too unbearable, we already went through it with Meri Sienna. Tobias sensed my worry I guess, because he then kissed my stomach, and told me he would protect all of us with his life. I smiled, and then we went to sleep. Or, more like it, he went to sleep. I couldn't do it. I stayed up a bit longer, and after a while, I went into Meri Sienna's room, and cuddled in next to her. Her tiny arms immediately went around me, and she nestled into me. I then fell asleep.
•~•~•~•Current time•~•~•~•
I wake up, and Meri Sienna is still cuddled right into me, and is slightly drooling.
"Good morning, baby girl." I say, and she slowly wakes up.
"Good mowning, mama." She says. I laugh.
"Are you excited for the new baby?" I ask her. I told her about her being a big sister before we left to show Tobias the signs.
"When I gonna be a big sister?" She asks.
"Yeah baby, are you excited to be a big sister?" I ask her. Her eyes go bright, and she smiles hugely. She nods furiously, but carefully.
"YEAH!" She screams out.
"Good. I think the new baby will be happy to see you!" I say, giving her a hug. Just then, Tobias bursts in the door, with wide eyes, but when he sees me, he calms down.
"Are you okay?" I ask him, sitting up.
"Yeah, sorry. I just didn't know where you were." He says. I nod.
"I came here in the middle of the night; I couldn't sleep." I say. He comes over, and sits on the edge of the bed. He finds our feet, and covers them in the blankets. I didn't realize how cold my feet were until I felt the warmth go back into them. He puts his hands under our blanket, and suddenly Meri Sienna jumps back, and screeches.
"What is-" I say, but then I jump back also, and I realize Tobias is trying to tickle our feet. I pick up Meri Sienna, and jump out of the bed, grabbing some of her clothes along the way. I run into Tobias and I's room, and lock the door. Meri Sienna and I look at each other, and start laughing.
"Open up guys! I promise I won't tickle you!" Tobias yells, but I can practically hear the smile in his voice. I quicjly change Meri Sienna into her day clothes, and I change as well.
"Should we go out there?" I whisper to Meri Sienna.
"No." She whispers back.
"Should we run and have breakfast?" I ask her. She seems to be thinking this one over. She nods.
"Okay, 1...2..."I say, quietly unlocking the door.
"3!" She yells, like a battle cry. I swing the door open, and carrying Meri Sienna, run to the Pit.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I'm in music class and so yeah. I will try to update later tonight, since I actually want to update and continue on The Journey Of Meri Sienna And Tris. Haha. Poor Tobias, he just wants to tickle their feet. Alright, bye! School's almost over. So yeah. Bye!

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