Chapter 27

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•~•~•~•~•~•Tobias's POV•~•~•~•~•~•

I wake up with Tris's hair in my mouth. Gross! I pull it out, and get up. I put on my usual outfit, and go to brush my teeth. After that, I get some cereal, and go to work. When I get there, Gus greets me.

"Hey! Long time, no see my man!" He says, clapping my back.

"Yeah, it's awesome being with them, but it's nice to be back. Plus we need money." I say. He laughs.

"Well, it's good to have you back." He says. I go to my desk, and monitor everything.


I forgot how boring my job is. I miss Meri Sienna and Tris. The lunch bell dings at that exact moment. Thank god I don't think I could've lasted any longer! Wait, hold on a minute. I see something on a camera, the one closest to our apartment. I smile as I see Meri Sienna toddle up to the camera with Tris. Tris mouths something to Meri Sienna. I frown. What is this? Then, Meri Sienna holds up a sign, but the words are blurry, and then Tris holds up another one. What? I don't get what this is. And then the camera focuses. I see what the signs say.

'Guess what Daddy? I'm going to be a big sister!' Says Meri Sienna's sign.

'One month down, 8 to go!' Says Tris's sign. Hold up. I am going to have another kid?!? I AM GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER KID! I run out of the control room, and sprint down to the apartment. When I get there, Tris and Meri Sienna are waiting outside the door. I pick up Tris, and spin her around, which makes Meri Sienna laugh.

"Me too, Daddy!" She says. I put down Tris, and pick up Meri Sienna. I spin her around, and she laughs like crazy.

"I love you so much!" I say.

"We love you, too." Tris says. Just then Uriah comes by.

"Hey guys, game night Friday at my place tonight?" He asks.

"Uh, is it safe to bring kids and stuff?" I ask.

"Of course!" He says. The whole group has a huge soft spot for Meri Sienna; I wonder how they'll react to another kid.

"Alright then, I guess we can come. What games?" Tris says.

"Air hockey, foosball, video games, stuff like that. I think Eric wants to be part of the group, he got us all the stuff." Uriah says.

"Well, if he can make it through group initiation, he can become part of the group." I say.

"Group initiation?" Tris asks.

"Yeah, it's like, if you can handle our crazy and mirror it, and have everyone like you, you can be in the group." I say.

"Oh, okay." She says. Meri Sienna starts fidgeting, and I can tell she's getting bored and annoyed. It's what I used to do.

"I think we'd better go. We'll see you later, Uriah." I say.

"See you later!" He says, and runs off.

"Do you want to go and play some games with us tonight, Meri Sienna?" I ask. She nods, and reaches out to me. I pick her up, and we go inside the apartment. As we get dragged around the compound by Meri Sienna, I wonder, what will happen if Eric actually does become part of the group? Oh well. It can't be that bad, right?


Well this chapter is the crappy extreme. Sorry.

And sorry Tamara, if you are reading this right now, I'm not meeting today. It's too gloomy. Definitely Friday though, okay? And both Tamara and Sienna? Be ready Friday night. And day. We will remake the notes. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is going to be awesome. Alright, goodbye.

Stay awesome,


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