Chapter 32

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•~•~•~•Tris's POV•~•~•~•

We have been in this room for so long, it's amazing most of us haven't gone insane yet. It's not fair-the water fight. Us girls don't even have water guns. Oh, that's our problem. I think I know how to solve it.

"Girls?" I ask, but they don't pay attention. Meri Sienna is asleep on the couch, so she doesn't really count. I get up and pinch them.

"Ow, what was that for?!" Christina whisper yells.

"Geez, I think you cut off my circulation!" Marlene says.

"Okay. Girls, we don't have water guns." I say.

"Yeah, that's kinda why we're stuck in here." Says Lynn.

"Well, when I was using the washroom earlier, I saw a vent. We could crawl through it, and try to go buy some." I say.

"Or, we could just be normal people, and walk through the door." Lynn says sarcastically.

"Well, I think it would be a whole lot more fun if we-" I hear the door knob twisting.

"If we what?" Christina asks.

"Christina, shut up for a minute." Says Shauna, and we both look at the door knob. It twists again. This time, we all heard it.

We look at each other, wide eyed. There's a knock on the door. Lynn gets up, and we all follow her to the door.

"What's the password?" Christina says.

"What?" Says the other voice.

"Nope." Marlene says.

"Uh, let me in?" It's a female's voice.

"Girls, it's another girl on the other side. We don't have to worry." Says Shauna.

"Is there anyone around you?" I ask.

"Uh..." The sound gets distant for a moment, and comes back. "No. There's nobody around me."

I hold up three fingers, and then slowly take each one down. At no fingers, Marlene opens the door, Lynn pulls them in, and Shauna slams it shut again. I put a chair against the handle.

We look over to the girl, who now wears a concerned look on her face.

"Uh, hi. I'm Beth." She says. We all pipe in.





"Tris." I finish off. Considering the following, I think we are officially crazy.

"Now that you're here, you're never leaving." Christina says. We all look at her.

"Creepy much, Christina." Marlene says.

"Yep. That's my job!" She says proudly.

"Mama?" I hear a tiny voice ask.

"Yeah, baby?" I say, going over to Meri Sienna.

"What are ywu guys doing?" She asks.

"We're getting a new person for the water fight!" Christina yells from across the room. Meri Sienna's eyes light up.

"Really?!" She says excitedly.

"Really, really." I say.

"Who's that?" Beth asks.

"Oh, this is my daughter, Meri Sienna." I say.

"Hello." Meri Sienna says politely.

"Hi, Meri Sienna." Beth says.

"Wanna play?" She asks.

"What do you want to play?" Beth asks.

"PRINCESSES!" Meri Sienna squeals. Beth smiles, and her green eyes shine. Her brown hair is in waves going down her back, just like Meri Sienna's blonde hair.

"Why, hello, Princess Meri Sienna, how do you do?" Beth says. Meri Sienna giggles.

I turn back to our little group, and we go to the other side of the room, leaving them a little privacy.

"Okay, who should get the water guns?" I ask. I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Christina." Lynn says.

"What?! Why me?" Christina asks.

"I don't know." Lynn replies.

"Lynn, you go with her. Marlene, Shauna, and I will go and get some food from the cafeteria, and we'll all meet up here again." I say.

"Aye aye, Captain." Christina says.

"Good? Are we good?" I receive head nods from everybody. I stand up, and go over to Meri Sienna and Beth. By the way Meri Sienna is acting with her, I trust Beth.

"Beth, we'll be back soon, okay? We've just got to go out and get some stuff."

"Okay." Beth says, nodding.

"Meri Sienna, Mama and your aunts have to go out and get some stuff. Are you alright staying here with Beth?" I ask her. She nods so much it looks like her body is going to go flying from the force.

"Uh huh! We're gonna make a castle fort, and we're gonna have pretty dresses, and we're fun stuff!" She says, jumping up and down.

"Okay, you have fun. And be a good girl, okay Meri Sienna?" I place my hands on her shoulders, and she stops jumping. I kiss the top of her head.

"Okay!" She says, blowing me a kiss. I laugh, and pretend to catch it. She laughs, and then goes back to playing with Beth.

I walk up to the girls, and we walk out of the room, making sure Beth puts the chair back in the door knob.

"Alright ladies, let's split." I say.


WOOHOO I UPDATED! Took me long enough, geez I want to slap myself for taking so long.



So basically, I have school from 8:25 to 2:40, then right after, book club leaves for the mall, we get back at around 7-ish, and then I change and go to the dance till 7-9. I'm not even coming home tomorrow, I have to bring my dress and makeup with me. YES I'M WEARING MAKEUP TOMORROW. Normally I don't wear makeup, but tomorrow's a special night. I'm wearing eyeshadow...or maybe I won't wear any makeup...I don't know. Whatever.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail my math test tomorrow, but screw it. It's the last week before winter break, so I don't give a shit. We already got report cards, so it's not like it'll show up on it. 😜

Stay loco,


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