Chapter 7

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🔥Tris POV🔥

"You are having a...girl! Congratulations!" She says. A...girl! I knew it! I look at Tobias. I guess he is happy too, because he is smiling uncontrollably. We thank her and go home.

We walk through the door, and Tobias sits on the couch.

"YES! I knew it would be a girl! I just knew it! Oh, I love you Tris! And I love you too baby girl!" Tobias said.

"We love you too, Tobias! I'm so happy right now I almost can't control it!" I scream. Tobias beams. I beam. I'm so happy it is a girl! A little girl walking around the apartment, bringing joy to our lives. I have to tell Christina! I get out my phone, and tell Christina to get over to my apartment asap.

There is a knock on the door a few minutes later. Wow, she was fast. I open it, and she gives me a hug.

"Come on, Four and I have something to tell you!" I say.

"Yay! I love baby news!" She screams. Sometimes it's as if she can read my mind. I sit her on the couch.

"Okay, we found out the gender of the baby today, and I was wondering...would you like to know it?" I say.

"YES! YES YES YES!" She says.

"We are going to have a girl!" I say. She screams a really high pitched scream and gives me a tight hug.

"You guys are going to be the best parents ever," She says to us.

"Thanks Christina," Says Tobias.

"Well, I speak the truth!" She says sarcastically.

"Well, what about names for our baby girl? Sumin? Abby? Makayla? Emily?" I say.

"Hmm..." Christina starts. We are all quiet for a while. Then Tobias speaks up.

"How about Meri? For her first name?" He asks. I love it.

"Yes! I love it Four!" I say. I smile a lot.

"Yeah, Four that is a perfect name!" Christina bursts.

"Okay, what about Sienna for her middle name?" Christina asks.

"Perfect, Christina! I love it! Meri Sienna Leah Eaton. I love it!" I squeal.

"So it's settled then. Her name is Meri Sienna Leah Eaton," Tobias says happily.

"Well guys, I've gotta go. Me and Will have something we've got to do," Says Christina.

"Alright then, bye! Thanks for helping with her name!" I yell after her.

"Bye Christina," Says Tobias. I turn into him and snuggle deep down into his shirt. I breath in his smell. Oh he smells so good.

🔥3 ish months later🔥

God my back hurts like crazy! I'm barely 6 months now, and my belly is huge! I still haven't gotten used to the fact that I am going to be a mom. But I can't wait. I can tell Tobias feels the same. I luckily don't have morning sickness anymore, but I eat WAY more than before. I can eat a box of pizza by my self and still be hungry. It's crazy. I am also getting major mood swings. One minute I'm insanely happy, the next I'm yelling about a stupid button on the T.V. remote.

Tobias should wake up, he has to go to work in an hour. He is always worrying about me and if the baby is okay, he is going to be nothing like his father, I can tell. He wouldn't ever even dream of hurting his kid. I look at my watch. He has about 45 minutes to get to work. I decide to wake him up.

"Tobias, Tobias, you have to get to work honey. Tobias," I say softly, and he starts to stir. His eyes open, and he kisses me. He puts his hands on my giant belly and kisses it. I would already do anything for this kid. I don't even know them yet.

"I love you Tobias, but you have to get ready for work. Okay?" I tell him.

"Fine," He says, kissing where the baby is one more time. He gets up and starts to get ready. I watch his muscles while he moves, he is so hot.

He has just left for work, so I am alone in our apartment. I decide I am hungry so I get up to get something to eat. My cravings have been watermelon lately, so Tobias stalked up the fridge. I grab a couple of slices, and eat them in the living room. All of a sudden, I feel something weird against the inside of my stomach. Fearing the worst, I go as fast as I can to the control room, hoping Tobias saw me on one of the cameras. The weird thing keeps happening, and I get more and more worried.

I reach the door, to find it locked. I knock with panic, hoping that Tobias opens the door.

"Tris? What are you doing here? Is everything alright?" He asks.

"I don't know! Something weird is going on," I say panicking a little more. He takes me into the room and locks the door behind him.

"Okay, what's going on?" He asks me.

"Here, feel it for yourself," I say, guiding his hand to where it is. He starts smiling.

"Tris, that's the baby kicking. Don't worry!" He says. He lifts up my shirt to reveal my bulging belly. He puts his hands over my bump, and kisses me.

"I love you, Tobias," I say.

"I love you too, Tris," He says.


You guys are lucky. You have been getting two chapters in one day for a few days now. I don't even mean to, I just get bored doing nothing but looking up divergent pics on my ipod all night long. btw, my finger still hurts. How do you like the story so far?

Stay divergent and just cut off those dang hang nails instead of biting them and making them bleed accidentally,


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