Chapter 17

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"I think I'm going to go and get Merbi all cleaned up," I say, picking her up.

"Bye bye!" She says, waving to the group. I go into the washroom, and grab a couple face wipes. After she's all clean, she hugs me tightly.

"I wove you so so so so so mwuch daddy!" She says.

"I love you too, baby girl." I say.

We go into the hallway, and hear loud music coming in from the Pit. Meri Sienna starts to move her body, a baby's way of dancing I guess. I hold onto her, and start to dance with her. I dip with her, making her laugh.

"Again dwaddy, again!" She says. So I do. I dip and dip and dip, making her laugh every time.

"Oh, I love you so much baby girl. More than all the stars in the sky." I say to her.

"I wove you twoo daddy," She thinks a bit, "mwore than all the gwass in the world!" I smile. Then the music stops.

"Okay Merbi, I think we should get back to your mama, okay?" I say.

"Okay dwaddy!" She says laughing. Just when I'm about to leave with her, Eric goes up to us, and smiles at Meri Sienna.

"Wow, since when did Legendary Four get to be a huge softie?" He says jokingly.

"When I got the best baby girl in the intire world. Maybe if you have kids, you'll understand." I say.

"If. I wish I could have a baby girl as cute as yours!" He says, playing with her.

"Well, she is cute. I've got to get back to Tris though. I'll see you later!" I say.

"See you later!" He says back. I get back to Tris, and Meri Sienna holds her arms out to her.

"Mama!" She says, and Tris takes her from me.

"Yeah Merbi?"

"I got to dwance wif daddy and it was fun!" She says excitedly. I laugh.

"Yes, she definitely loves dancing." I say, brushing back her blond hair. Over time, her brown hair turned into blond hair, changing colour.


Haha get it Vlhqqd? ooooo secret code! Man she is soooooo cute! I wonder if for her birthday party we will both be invited and we will be able to see her? THAT WOULD BE FREAKING AWESOME!!! You know who I'm talking about. anyways, short chapter, yeah, but thats two chapters in one day. I will try to update more often, but I only have so much motivation. lol. anyways yeah. the world is not a wish-granting factory. sorry. THE FEELS! It's a metaphor. OMG WHAT AM I DOING TO MYSELF!?!?! Bye bye bye bye bye!

The feels. i know. im sorry Vlhqqd.

Bye till next update. Oh, and btw, it's been gettin really annoying lately, so just so you know, self-promotion will be deleted, and no I will not check out your stories, I will check them out if they look cool, but only if i run across them. okay? its really annoying. k bye. for reals this time.

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