I Can Explain

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Jacob pulled up into the school's parking lot where Prince's car had been to find police cars circling around. Daniel and Justin were off to aside speaking to the officers followed by Prince's parents who had returned from their trip early after hearing the news.

"Oh boy," Matt sighed as Jacob drove in.

"Daniel?" Jacob asked confused, "What's he doing here?"

"He had came to the house and Steve tried to get him to help in his plan for Prince." Steve explained.

"Prince?" Jacob turned up his face at Matt.

"Oh, I'm sorry everyone calls you that, can I call you that too?" Matt turned to Prince and asked.

"Yeah sure," Prince smirked. Matt smiled back while Jacob side-eyed the two.

Jacob stopped the car infront of the officers and Prince's paniking parents. Prince got out Jacob's car and upon seeing him his parents immediately ran over to him.

"Oh, thank God, I was so worried," his mother sighed with relief as she embraced him a lone tear rolled down her face.

"How did you guys know about everything?" Prince asked his parents as they wiped away tears. Jacob,Matt,Daniel and Justin stood a little way off to give them space.

"Justin called and told us everything," his dad responded.

"I thought you didn't believe he was actually missing," Jacob remarked as he look over at Justin.

"Well, Daniel came over and told me everything," Justin shrugged.

"So basically, you didn't believe me, right?" Jacob shook his head.

"Can we not get into this," Justin sighed as he started to feel guilty.

Jacob rolled his eyes and turned away.

Two officers walked up to the guys, "good night, which one of you is Matthew Lewis?"

They all looked around at each other, then Matt stepped forward. "I'm Matthew."

"We would like to take you down to the station for questioning," one of the officers told him. He was then escorted to a police car.

The officers then took statements from Jacob and Prince then allowed them to leave. Prince's parents took him to the hospital just to be sure his bruises weren't serious then they took him home so he could get some rest. Eventhough Prince had only been gone a couple hours but it felt like days he was tired but he couldn't sleep. He couldn't help but wonder what Steve would have done to him if Matt didn't step in.

As Prince laid in his bed unable to sleep, Jacob was at his home feeling the same way. Jacob heard his phone vibrate and he reached down to get it.

"Hey," he heard on the other line.He immediately recognised the voice, it was Ray. "Did I wake you?" He spoke again.

"Nah, " he responded, " i can't sleep."

"Oh, is everything okay? I heard about Prince, how's he doing?"

"He's good i guess, i had never been that worried in my life."

"Well, if you want to take your mind off everything, we're meeting tonight by the park out Southside."

"Alright, I'll think about it."

"Cool bye, hope you come." And with that the conversation was over.

When Jacob came off the phone, he noticed he had a message from Prince. "I tried calling you, are you asleep?"

"No, sorry I was on the phone with Ray."

Almost immediately Prince responded, "This late? What were you talking about?"

"Nothing, he was just telling me the location for tonight."

"Are you going?"

"I don't know, maybe, I can't sleep anyway."

"I wanna come."

"No, i dont want you going, especially after everything youve been through today."

"I'll be finee, besides everyone here is asleep and I dont want to be up alone."

"I think you better stay inside besides Steve isn't even in custody yet, his rich parents probably got him out of shit again."


"Yeah, from what i heard he got arrested for drugs, drunk driving, reckless driving, hit and run and some other minor stuff and all of a sudden his record is clean. Everything has just been swept under the mat."

"Omg..." Prince gasped. It was at that moment Prince realised that you never know what someone is capable of. He looked down at his phone and started typing once more. "Can you come over?"


Jacob got dressed and left a note saying where he was going. He grabbed the car keys and headed over to Prince's. "I'm outside," he texted. He parked on the street and walked towards the front door, before he reached the door it slowly opened revealing Prince wrapped in his bed covers with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks for coming over," he smiled as he locked the door behind Jacob.

Jacob smiled and hugged him and they went up to Prince's room. After taking off his jacket and shoes Jacob crawled into Prince's bed beside him. After talking about random things, Breanna and everything that happened the past few months, they both finally fell asleep with Jacob arms wrapped around Prince.

The next day was Saturday but Prince still had to get up early to go down to the police station. "Jacob, do you have any laundry?" Prince's mother knocked and opened the door stopping dead in her tracks. Upon hearing his mother's voice Prince jumped up and his sudden movement caused Jacob to also jump up.

"Mom.." Prince said in barely a whisper.

She didn't say anything she just looked back and forth at the two.

Jacob had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. What would Prince's mom do next?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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