The war has just begun [ Part 2 ]

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When Prince opened his eyes he realized his vision was blocked by some type of fabric and he was seated with his hands tied to the chair he sat on. His head pounded from the blow he received earlier. He immediately became scared, he didn't know where is was or how he got there. Prince started to shift around the chair to see if he would be able to loosen the duct tape around his wrist just then he heard voices from a distance followed by a door opening and closing. He sat quietly waiting to see if he could figure out who is kidnappers were. He heard the voices getting louder as they approached him, a door opened and closed and footsteps sounded as they were descending nearby stairs and then the first set of footsteps stop.

"Are you idiots INSANE??" a voice shouted. Prince immediately recognized the voice as Daniel's.

"Shh," another voice hushed, "don't wake him up." Prince could feel anger boiling up in him at the sound of Matt's voice and he knew exactly whose voice was going to follow.

"Look we need your help,"  Steve's voice sounded at last.

"I can't get involved in this," Daniel said as he shook his head and stepped back.

"Are you serious?" Steve snapped, "We've been friends since we were little and you're just going to leave us hanging."

"This is your shit get yourself out of it, that Jacob guy frigging knocked me and Justin over earlier I don't know what he's capable of and I'm not getting myself in this," Daniel replied sternly. Prince couldn't help but to smile to himself he felt at ease knowing that Jacob was already looking for him.

"That's why we need your help,Jacob already suspects us so we can't keep him here,your dad has a cabin right?" Steve questioned.

"Sorry guys I really don't want to get involved in this," Daniel sighed.

"We aren't going to do anything with him, we just wanted to scare him," Matt explained.

"I don't know about this,I don't know, I'm going home, sorry guys," Daniel said turning and heading back up the basement stairs.

Just as Jacob pulled up in front of Steve's house he saw Daniel rushing out, Daniel's demeanor seemed shaky and nervous as he walked hastily across the grass looking around as if to make sure he wasn't seen he got into a car and sped off. This was all Jacob needed to know he had came to the right place.

Back in the basement of Steve's house, Matt and Steve paced as they thought of what they were going to do next, they really hadn't thought this through all they wanted to do was scare him abit but they knew Jacob was on their tail and it was about to go down. 

"We got to get him from here, Jacob's going to come back," Steve finally spoke up.

"Where are we going to take him?" Matt questioned. 

"Help me carry him to the garage to put him in the car," Steve told Matt as he went over to the chair Prince was tied to.

"You need help loser?" Prince sassed as he felt Steve struggle with the rope.

Steve and Matt jumped at the sound of Prince voice. "If I was you I would keep my mouth shut," Steve scolded as he finally got the rope around Prince's hands undid. He untied them from the chair and tied his wrists together then untied his feet and led him to stand.

Just as Jacob was about to get out the car, Steve's garage opened and Steve's car pulled out screeching onto the road and pulling off. Jacob quickly started up his car and pulled off behind them. He wasn't 100% sure that Prince was in the car with them but he was following his gut.

Where were they taking him though?

Hey Guys,, it's been awhile

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