Just between us

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Princeton stood by his locker as he gathered his books for first class. The hallway bustled noisily around him, looking up to see what the commotion was about Prince saw a girl walking down the middle of hallway, with her head held high she walked confidently through the crowd as everyone eye-balled her. He had never seen her before so he assumed she was a new student. As she got closer Prince noticed her hazel eyes which went well with her golden skin tone. Her hair which was dyed red was neatly placed in a bun and not a strand was out of place.

"Whatchu looking at?" He suddenly heard a voice behind him ask causing him to jump. He turned around and saw Jacob by his left shoulder. 

"Nothing," Prince replied as he turned to continue digging through his locker.

"Oh, I see you checking out the new girl, " Jacob chuckled as he walked around Prince and leaned up on the locker next to his. 

"I wasn't-" Prince started but was interrupted by Mr.August.

"Good Morning gentlemen," Mr.August smiled charmingly as he passed them," see you in class." 

They just smiled. Prince then remembered what Mr.August had whispered the other night and it sent a tingling sensation thorough his body. 

His daydream was soon interrupted by Jacob loudly clearing his throat. He glanced across at Jacob who was just smiling with his eyebrows raised as he glanced down at Prince's crotch. Looking down to see where Jacob eyes stared Prince saw he had a huge boner.

"Shit!" He said frantically as he grabbed a book and covered his crotch, crossing the hall he ran into the male restroom. 

Soon after the bell rang to start first period. Jacob calmly grabbed Prince's book bag as he crossed the now half empty hall into the restroom. 

Prince placed toilet paper around the seat as he pulled down the khaki pants which were part of his uniform and sat on the toilet. "Please go down,please go down," he pleaded. Having never dealt with a boner at school he decided to just sit and wait till it go down just in case someone came in the restroom. "Maybe I should just rub it little," he thought. Just then he heard the restroom door open and he froze. 

"Prince?" He heard Jacob call.

"What?" Prince responded. Jacob followed his voice to the stall at the end. 

"Open the door," jacob knocked.

"No," Prince snapped,"I'm tryna deal with a crisis. 

"Just open," Jacob whined. 

"No," Prince responded sternly. Just then Prince heard the lock rattling and it slowly turned. "What are you doing?" Prince snapped as he leaned forward and pushed his hands against the door.

"Just let me in," Jacob grunted as he tried to push the door open. Since Prince wasn't as strong as him Jacob was able to push the door open. "Woahhh," Jacob said as his eyes shot open. 

"Get out of here," Prince said attempting to cover himself.

"Ok.ok, I just brought you bag, we're late for class hurry up," Jacob said as he leaned against the now closed door. 

"I can't hurry it won't go down," Prince whispered also shyly. 

"Ugh, come I'll help you," Jacob sighed as he dropped both bags;his and Prince's on the ground and got on his knees. He grabbed hold of Prince dick and tugged slightly. 

"Woah," Prince said as he inched back slowly, "I told you I'm not gay."

"Who said anything about being gay?" Jacob asked as he focused on the task ahead. 

Prince quieted down and watched Jacob slowly lowered his face as he opened his mouth. Prince's body jumped when Jacob's tongue made contact. As Jacob slowly twirled his tongue around Prince's member a groaned escaped from Prince's lips. 

"Mr.Latimore,Mr.Perez you are late," Mr.Summers; the biology teacher said as Prince and Jacob entered the class 15 minutes late,"take your seats." 

Three hours later it was lunch and they sat at a table by themselves. Jacob chewed his food slowly as he took out his sketch book and started doing a sketch. Prince watched Jacob's every movement intently.

"Lovestruck?" Jacob asked as he grabbed an apple and took a bite of it.

For the entire morning Prince couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. He scoffed as looked away also grabbing his sketch book. As he grabbed his coloured pencils he sketched one of graffiti paintings he had done in the park the other night. 

A couple minutes after he had finished he held it up and he smiled. "Wait, I've seen that somewhere," Jacob said peering over the table. 

"You did?" Prince smiled knowing exactly where Jacob had seen it. 

"Yeah in the park," he replied, "wait, you do the graffiti around here?" He asked whispering. 

Prince smiled and nodded. 

"That's awesome, some guys at my old school do it too," Jacob replied.

"Ray,Rebel and Lance?" Prince asked. 

"Yeahhh," Jacob smiled hearing familiar names.

"And B.J."

"Ugh, he's so snobby," Jacob scoffed.

"I know," Prince responded. 

"I think we about to be good friends," Jacob chuckled. 

"Hey,how bout you come to our location tonight, you are a good artist," Prince asked Jacob.

"Erm, I don't know....I don't think B.J liked me very much," Jacob responded unsure.

"Perfect," Prince laughed, "I don't think he likes me either."

"Well,cool it's a date," Jacob smiled broadly.

"No,it's not," Prince hissed causing Jacob to chuckle. He loved pulling his leg. 


"Did you know that Ray was gay?" Prince asked Jacob as they walked to meet the other guys.

"Bi," Jacob corrected as he placed his hands in the pocket of his track pants to protect them from the night air.

"Same thing," Prince shrugged.

"No it's not," Jacob responded almost immediately.

"Fine." Then there was an awkward silence, the only thing that could be heard was the barking of dogs and their footsteps walking on the rain soaked road. 

"Um...you can't tell anyone about what happened this morning ok?" Prince said breaking the silence.

"Well,technically it's like 2am so you mean yesterday morning," Jacob remarked wittly. 

"I'm serious," Prince scolded.

"Fine chill," Jacob chuckled.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" B.J asked as he saw Prince and Jacob appraoching. Ray tensed up at the sight of Jacob and looked over at B.J while Jacob stared at Ray.

"Umm...Am I missing something?" Prince asked,completely confused as to what was going on. 

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Where stories live. Discover now