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"Wow, you're up early," Prince's mom said in surprise as she poured herself some coffee to go. Prince sat down fully dressed in his uniform and she went over to the fridge and grabbed him some orange juice and a glass.

Prince's dad came rushing down the stairs a few seconds later, "David you need to eat properly, remember what the doctor said," she warned as she watch him rushing to put on his jacket.

"I'll grab something at work Layla don't worry," he assured her as he grabbed his breifcase and was out the door.

"Um...mom can I have a ride to school please?" Prince said finally swallowing his pride.

"What happened to your friend that gave you a ride yesterday morning?" she questioned as she gathered some papers she needed for work and shoved them in her portfolio.

"I don't know," Prince responded as he checked his phone for the millionth time to see if Jacob had responded to any of his text.

"Well come on, let's go." She picked up her coffee and her bags and was out through the door, Prince followed her and soon they were pulling out the driveway.

When Prince got to school it was early so much people weren't there we went to his locker to put away some books and put his jacket inside. 

"Guess who?" he heard as someone covered his eyes from behind.

"Um...I don't know," Prince laughed.

The person moved their hands and he turned around and saw Justin. "Oh," he said slightly disappointed.

"Was expecting someone else?" Justin smiled.

"Not really," Prince replied as a smile crept on his face, "What are you doing at school so early?"

"President of the student council remember?" Justin responded with a smile, "my dad always says a good business man is never late."

"Oh," Prince chuckled as he closed his locker.

"Let's take a walk," Justin suggested.


"I don't know, let's just walk."


They started walking and chatting abit and soon they ended up in the gym where they sat on the bleachers. "I was surprise to find out you were gay," Justin spoke up as they sat down. Somehow Prince knew this question was gonna come.

"I'm not....well i don't think I am......but I don't know."

"Really? Steve said he heard you and Jacob fucking in the bathroom."

"WHAT? No ! That's not what happened, he was in there with me cause I was crying," Prince replied shocked by the rumour.

"Why were you crying?" Justin questioned sincerely.

"Huh? Oh nothing," Prince responded now embarrassed that he admitted to crying like a baby.

"Hmm," Justin responded not convinced, "So you don't like guys then?"

"No...well I guess so because I like Jacob.I don't know and I think that's why he's mad at me because I don't know what I want."

"So if another guy liked you would he have a chance?"

Prince turned his head and looked up at Justin, "I don't know, who-" before he could finish his statement Justin placed his lips on his, reluctant at first Prince soon gave in. After what seemed like minutes they pulled away and it became awkward. "Um...I gotta go and see if Jacob is here yet," Prince said breaking the silence as he stood up and walked out. Justin didn't say anything he just watched as he walked out. Justin had been watching Prince from a distance since freshman year and when he found out he might be into guys he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make his move but the real question was if Prince interested in him the same way? 

As Prince walked into the hallway he ran straight into Jacob. "Hey, I've been looking for you all over," Jacob said with a small smile.

"Y-yeah..um..sorry," Prince responded nervously. Even though he wasn't in a relationship with Jacob kissing Justin made him feel guilty plus that kiss made him feel weird kind of what it was like what he and Jacob had.

"You okay?" Jacob said looking at him confused.

"I'm fine," Prince said as he turned to head to his first class early.

"Look," Jacob started as he grabbed his hand, "if this is about yesterday I'm really sorry, I was just being petty."

"Nah, it's okay, I'm over it," Prince smiled slightly.

"Hey Prince you left your sketchbook inside," Justin said walking up to the two with Prince's book in his hand.

"Um..thanks," Prince said grabbing the book. The three stood there for awhile as Justin awkwardly had his hands in his pockets and Prince looked down at the tiled floors. Jacob looked back and forth at the two and could see something was up.

"Um...well I'll be off," Justin said awkwardly walking away.

"He talks funny," Jacob said turning up his face, "I'll be off," he mimicked. Prince had no reaction to his statement. "what's wrong with you today?" Jacob questioned, "did he do you something?"

"No, I told you I'm fine, I'm just thinking dassit," Prince responded looking up at Jacob.

"About what?"

"Don't worry about it, let's go to class," Prince sighed grabbing Jacob's hand and hooking his arm through it, "I like you you know that?"

"I know," Jacob sighed as the guilt of what happened earlier sunk in, "Prince....um."

"What is it?" Prince responded looking up at Jacob.


"Jacob Perez to the principal's office, Jacob Perez to the principal's office," rang through the PA system.

"What's that about?" Jacob questioned looking at Prince who was just as confused as he was.

"I'm not sure...." Prince replied, "I'll see you later." He left Jacob and walked down the hallway to the principal's office.

"Have a seat, the principal will be with you in a minute," the receptionist automatically stated not even looking up.

Prince sat in the chair nervously shaking his feet, he had never been in trouble with the principal before, what was this about?

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang