"Woah.....did not see that coming."

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Prince stood frozen as he tried to piece together an excuse for being in his teacher's classroom after hours.

Just then Jacob hunched him. Prince looked in the direction Jacob motioned and saw the drawing at the top of the shuffled through pile on the desk. They hadn't found it before but now it was in plain sight on the desk.

Mr.August walked towards the students as he searched their faces for a response. Just as he reached the desk Prince jumped on top of the desk and sat on the drawing and a couple other papers that were there. Jacob covered his mouth trying hard not laugh out loud.

"Umm...you're on my papers," Mr.August said as he looked at Prince confused. 

"Umm...yeah...just flattening them out for you some had some...um....creases," Prince responded as he turned away and rolled his eyes at his idiotic response. 

Meanwhile Jacob stood facing the back of the class with one arm folded across his chest and one arm covering his mouth which was dying to release laughter. 

"You could get off them now," Mr.August responded as he tugged at the papers.

"Sure..um...sure thing," Prince said as he dragged his body off the table causing the papers to fall to the ground. He ruffled through the papers searching for the drawing and switched it out with his real assignment, crippling the other drawing and shoving it in his pockets. He then gathered the papers from off the ground and placed them back on the table, " Sorry about that here you go sir," Prince said with his most genuine smile as he quietly gave a sigh of relief. 

"Thank you....now are you guys gonna tell me why you're here?" Mr.August asked as he fixed the other papers on his desk.

"Um..actually, we gotta go," Prince responded as he stood up out of his squat, " come on Jacob, let's go," he said as he grabbed Jacob's hand and 

dragged him out the room.

"Bye Mr.August," Jacob smiled as Prince dragged him out the room. 

"Oh my gosh, that was so close," Prince sighed with relief once they got in the hallway. 

Jacob laughed out loudly as he held his stomach, " you should have seen your face when he caught us in his classroom," Jacob crackled. 

"That wasn't funny," Prince responded as he found himself chuckling at the situation. 

" Yes it was and you know it," Jacob smiled. 

Prince looked up at Jacob as a smile crept on his face, "Ok, it was a little funny," he remarked.

They stopped at looked at each other for awhile as their laughter subdued. 

"Stop doing that," Prince snapped as he pulled his hand,which had once been a firm gripped around Jacob wrist that turned into their fingers intertwined away.

"I didn't do anything," Jacob smiled as he watched Prince start to walk off. 

"Don't fight it," he whispered in Prince's ear once he caught up to him. 

"Ugh, go away," Prince said as he unlocked the car door. 

"So you're not giving me a ride home anymore?" Jacob asked as he tried to put on his saddest face.

Prince sighed as he got in the driver's seat, " Get in before I change my mind.....where do you live again?" 

Prince pulled up infront of a spanish style home which stood on a beautifully manicured lawn. "This is where you live?" he asked Jacob. 

"Yup," Jacob smiled as he grabbed his bag and hopped out the passenger seat.

"Um...can I come in and use the bathroom quickly please?" Prince asked, he has been holding it since he left school and considering he didn't like using public bathrooms he thought he would make it but right now it was on the verge of releasing.

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant