Guilty Conscience

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In the car Matt sat in the back seat with Prince who was still blindfolded while Steve drove. Their heavily tinted windows made it easy to have Prince blindfolded without anyone seeing in the car. The car ride was mostly quiet just the sound of the radio.

"Can I ask you guys why you're doing this?" Prince finally spoke up. Neither Steve or Matt answered, Matt stared ahead while Steve just drove. " Can I tell you why I think you're doing this?" Still silence, neither Steve or Matt spoke or looked at him. "Well I think this is all Steve idea, I know something you don't want anyone else to know and you feel like you are no longer in control, ha," Prince continued. The car was quiet again. Matt started fidgeting he was now regretting this entire thing at first he was all for it but now a cold feeling was passing over him.

Meanwhile, Jacob followed a distance behind,as they approached a traffic light Steve's car barely made it through before the red light flashed leaving Jacob behind. "Damn," Jacob groaned as he pounded the steering wheel,he sighed as he saw Steve's car go out of sight. Finally the lights turned green and Jacob pulled off quickly, he had no idea where they were he had lost them for sure now.

Matt sat in the backseat of the car with Prince as he felt a feeling come over his body.Guilt. "Why am I even doing this?" Steve mumbled, accidentally voicing his thoughts aloud as he gazed through the closed window.

Prince overheard him and leaned closer to him in hope Steve wouldn't overhear he whispered to Matt, " you don't have to do everything he says."

Matt looked over at Prince and then at Steve who was driving completely oblivious to the conversation in the back. "Stop the car," Matt shouted, surprising even himself.

"What?!" Steve responded whipping his neck around.

"Stop the car now," Matt repeated. 

"Why?" Steve responded. He was getting angry now.

"Because this is bullshit, I don't even know why we're doing this," Matt scoffed.

Steve pulled over to the side of the street and pressed the button unlocking the doors. "Get out, and take him with you," Steve said angrily as he narrowed his eyes at him.

Matt leaned forward and looked through the window,it was now dark and the buildings looked abandoned. Matt had heard of this part of town, his parents always told him to never come down here.

"GET OUT," Steve shouted jumping Matt out his thoughts.

Matt sighed and opened the door and helped Prince out. They both stood on the pavement as they watched Steve drive off and disappear down the street.

"What are we going to do now?" Matt sighed as he looked up and down the street.

"Well first, you could start by untying me and taking off the blindfold," Prince responded.

"Oh sorry," Matt said as he jumped to his senses.After struggling abit he was soon able to get Prince untied and then he took off the blindfold.

"Oh my God, where are we?" Prince panicked.

"I'm not completely sure, but we better don't stand here much longer, let's walk this way," Matt directed as he pointed to their left. They started walking and after about ten minutes they came across a group of guys surrounded by a couple females. The guys sat around their cars smoking and drinking as they talked and laughed, some stood at a stance which showed off their firearms. 

"Do we have to pass them?" Prince whispered shakily.

"How else are we going to get home?" Matt whispered.

"You go first," Prince stated giving Matt a small shove.

"Why the hell do I have to go first," Matt replied louder than expected, causing a couple of the guys to look their direction.

"Great, now let's go, walk with confidence," Prince said as him and Matt walked briskly. They could feel multiple pair of eyes on them as they walked through the guys.

"Hey !" one of the men shouted towards them just when they thought they made it through. They both turned around to face a guy walking towards them. "What yah'll doing 'round here?" he asked as he squinted his eyes at the two. Prince looked up at Matt who was frozen solid, the colour was drained from Matt's face and he was completely pale.

"We're just tryna get home," Prince responded simply trying not to show any fear.

"I aint never seen you 'round these parts," the guy responded looking Prince up and down, "sho aint never seen him." he motioned to Matt.

"W-W-Well, we don't live out here per say we live on the other side of town," Prince responded nervously.

"Uh-hmm," the guy hummed.

Prince nodded in response and grabbed Matt's arm and turned to continue walking.

"Did I tell yah'll you could leave?!" the guy shouted almost angrily.

Prince stop and turned around once more. Prince could swear Matt peed himself.

"S-Sorry, I-I thought you were-"

"Well you thought wrong.."

"Prince !" they heard as the guy walked closer, the guy stopped and turned around. Prince was never this glad to hear his name, Matt breathed a sigh of relief Prince swore it was the first breath he had taken since their encounter with these guys. Prince looked down the street and saw a familiar figure approaching and boy was he glad.........

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