Ever feel like you're being watched?

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"I'm having a wonderful time," Breanna said to Prince as they made their way towards the food court. Breanna looked different outside her school uniform, her hair was let down and she wore black shorts which showed off her thighs.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," Prince smiled. As they scanned the food court for an empty seat. Not finding one they made their way to the fountain and sat on a near-by bench. Breanna sat down her shopping bags on the ground and Prince did the same. While the couple sat talking and getting to know each other someone stood watching them from a distance. Looking over the balcony he stood watching, trying to make out what they were saying. Plotting his deviant plan of revenge.


"Okay, we will be back on tomorrow afternoon, the house keeper would come by if you want anything," Prince's mom assured him as he handed him a paper with a telephone number on it.

"And DO NOT go gallivanting with those hoodlums, if you so much as THINK about leaving this house to go off with them I guarantee you I will find out,you are lucky we're even leaving you here by yourself after the last stunt you pulled," his dad added with his index finger pointed.

Prince crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, we'll be off, see you tomorrow," his mom interjected, grabbing her purse she was out the door.

After his parents left Prince settled on the couch watching television when sudden;y he heard the trashcan knock over causing him to jump.His heart started to race as he slowly got up from the couch grabbing a lamp from the side table he heading towards the sliding doors which lead to the side of the house. Creeping closer to the door he could hear his heartbeat in his ears. "Omg,Omg,Omg," he thought to himself. He peeped through the door but nothing was there but the night sky, he looked in his hand which shakily gripped the lamp, "what the hell am I doing? I'm black, we don't investigate shit.," he sighed setting down the lamp. He rushed over the windows and doors shutting the curtains quickly and he crawled back towards the couch sitting on the floor his heart still racing." I'm home alone in this big ass house oh Lord I'm gonna die." 

" We'll never be Royalssss," his phone rang loudly causing him to jump.

"Hello?" he answered breathlessly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he heard Jacob's voice on the other end, "sounding ll freaked out and shit."

"I am freaked out," Prince replied in a harsh whisper.

"Why are you whispering?" Jacob whispered back.

"Because I'm scared," Prince whined.


"Like for the entire day I had this feeling like someone was watching me and now I'm hearing noises outside."

"You're just crazy," Jacob laughed.

"This is now funny I'm really scared." Jacob could hear that Prince was really scared he sounded like he was on the verge of crying which made Jacob feel bad for laughing at him.

"I'm sorry," Jacob sighed, "Um...want me come over so you won't be alone?"

"You don't know where I live."

"True, well do you want to come over?"

"Sure...yeah.okay," Prince breathed out as he paced up and down.

"Alright, see you soon."



"Stay on the phone with me."

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Where stories live. Discover now