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The next day Jacob and Prince sat in Prince's room, Prince was sitting up with his head against the headboard while Jacob was positioned on his lap. Prince was telling Jacob about the party and about him and Justin catching Steve.

"No way," Jacob gasped as he covered his mouth, "so what did yah'll do? Did he see yah'll?"

"Nope, we stayed in the bathroom until they were finish,it was him and Matt," Prince laughed remembering last night.

"Matt?," Jacob gasped, "I did not see that coming."

"Right?!" Prince replied with a laugh.

Jacob got up from resting his head across Jacob's chest and sat on him. "Let's do something," Jacob smiled up at him.

"What?" Prince questioned although he already knew what Jacob wanted.

Before Jacob could respond the doorbell rang and they got up and Prince went downstairs to answer it with Jacob on his heels. When he opened it in waltzed Amber, Brooke and Ashley as if they owned the place. Jacob looked over at Prince confused while Prince just stared at the three.

"Aww you guys are so cute," Amber cheesed.

"Oh thanks," Jacob giggled.

Prince glared at him. Jacob just smiled and shrugged.

"Um..why are you here?" Prince asked suddenly.

"Shopping remember?" Brooke spoke up. Amber glared at her as if she wasn't supposed to speak without permission.

"Um, oh yeah, I forgot...I can't though me and Jacob actually have plans," Prince smiled pleased with the lie he came up with on the spot.

"We do?" Jacob questioned.

"Yes idiot," Prince retorted.

"Don't be mean to me," Jacob pouted. Jacob knew Prince was trying to get out of going shopping with the girls so he was trying to pull Prince leg.

"Aww, you guys are so cute," Amber cheesed.

Prince glared at Jacob and Jacob smiled brightly.

"Well if you guys already have plans I wouldn't want to interrupt," Amber continued.

"Thank you," Prince smiled.

"Oh, no, no,no Amber, if you and Prince have plans I wouldn't mind, me and him could do something another time," Jacob said almost sarcastically.

Prince spun his head around at Jacob and glared at him, Jacob just gave a little chuckle.

"Of course that's okay with you right babe?" Jacob smiled as he placed a hand on Prince's shoulder.

Amber, Ashley and Brooke looked over at Prince awaiting his response.

"Um, okay, sure," he replied still glaring at Jacob.

"Good, then it's settled," Jacob cheesed as he put his hand around Prince neck and smiled up at him.

"Have fun with the witches," Jacob mumbled to him.

"But Jake it would be a shame for you to be home all by yourself, you should join us," Prince smiled back at him.

"Oh yeah, you should totally come Jacob," Amber smiled.

Jacob narrowed his eyes at Prince realizing his plan to torture Prince by making him hang out all day with the witches had back fired. 

"Sure, I'll love too," Jacob responded sarcastically through his teeth.

"Yay," Amber cheesed as she clapped her hands.

"You aren't wearing that are you?" Ashley spoke up looking Prince up and down.

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