No Strings Attached

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After the mall Prince and Jacob went back to Prince's house where they sat downstairs in the family room watching a movie. Prince then felt Jacob eyes on him and turned to face him.

"What?" Prince said confused.

"You like Justin don't you?"  Jacob finally spoke up after having thinking about Justin making Prince blush in the mall. He knew Prince didn't know he saw.

"No," Prince chuckled nervously, "I could never see myself liking him like that."

"Just like you said you could never see yourself liking guys but you like me," Jacob smiled softly. "You do still like me right?" Jacob questioned almost immediately after.

"Of course !" Prince replied turning up his face at the fact that Jacob would even ask that question.

"Oh good," Jacob chuckled, "I don't care if you like him I just want you to be happy."

"Thanks, and I don't care if you're fucking Ray I just want you to be happy," Prince responded with a slight smile.

"What?" Jacob laughed as he lifted his body off the couch and looked at Prince, "Who said I was fucking him?"

Prince chuckled and shook his head, "I'm not stupid, that's all you guys do when you hang out."

"Okay, maybe that's true," Jacob admitted with a smile, "are you jealous?"

"No," Prince blushed as he rolled his eyes.

"Ohhh, you are jealous," Jacob smiled looking at Prince who turned his face back to the television. 

"I'm not jealous," Prince mumbled.

"It's okay to be a little jealous," Jacob teased as he touched the sensitive spot by Prince's ear causing him to jump.

"Stop it," Prince giggled.

"Alright, alright, I'm done," Jacob cheesed surrendering with his hands in the air.

This was silence for a while then Prince spoke again.

"Jake?" Prince whispered.

"What?" Jacob looked up awaiting what Prince had to say.

"Um...can we? like you know?" Prince said quietly.

"What?" Jacob said again with a smile. He knew exactly what Prince wanted but he wanted him to admit it.

"You know what I mean," Prince blushed.

"If you want this dick you gonna have to beg for it," Jacob cheesed.

"I hate you," Prince mumbled.

"What was that?" Jacob asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing," Prince blushed again.

Jacob smiled and saddled himself onto Prince and started kissing him, Prince kissed back immediately it was as if he was waiting on this moment, he was though but he wasn't about to admit it.

"Let's go upstairs to my room," Prince breathed out as he pulled away.

They went upstairs to his room with Jacob leading the way. When they got up to his room they kissed as they undressed each other,once undressed they started stroking each other working down each other's shaft. Jacob laid Prince on the bed and got to work placing Prince's member in his mouth he worked his mouth up and down he then placed his fingers into Prince ass causing him to jump from the sudden touch. Since it had been awhile since Prince and Jacob did this Jacob was going to make sure he make it worth the wait. 

"Oh shit, I may be about to cum," Prince breathed out a little while after as he pushed down Jacob's head. Jacob took that as an invitation to go faster and seconds later Prince came.

After returning the favor to Jacob they got down to business. Jacob held Prince's hips starting the penetration slowly then soon sped up and the moans began to get louder as their bodies moved in rhythm. 

"Oh fuckk," Prince managed to breathe out as his breath quickened.

Jacob was enjoying every minute of it and Prince's moans were just making him more and more eager. After Prince came and they exchanged positions, since Prince was kind of an amateur he started out really slow and as he got comfortable he took Jacob by surprise. Once he got his full length in he pushed into Jacob hard and deep.

"Ohh shitt," Jacob moaned barely catching his breath, "where is this coming from?"

Prince chuckled as he folded in his lips and pulled Jacob body onto his roughly. 

"Bet Ray didn't have you screaming like a little bitch," Prince whispered leaning into Jacob's ear.

"Oh so that's what this is about?" Jacob commented barely able to let out a small laugh, "you're so damn spiteful."

"What you say?" Prince asked as he aggressively went deeper pounding into Jacob's ass.

"Nothing," Jacob responded almost in a scream.

They both came and Prince pulled out leaving Jacob to collapse on the bed. 

"Ha, little bitch," Prince said pleased with himself as he walked into the adjoining bathroom. 

When Jacob caught his breath he joined Prince in the shower after they bathed each other Jacob got ready to go home. They were going to see each other later tonight when they were gonna meet Ray and the others.

Prince went downstairs to let Jacob out. "You may like Justin but just remember he aint gonna fuck you like I do," Jacob smiled.

"Really? Cause I distinctly remember you being the little bitch a couple minutes ago," Prince sassed.

"Whatever," Jacob laughed. He looked up at Prince with a small smile, "No strings attached?"

"No strings attached," Prince repeated in agreement.

While Jacob walked out the front door to go home Prince couldn't help but laugh to himself when he noticed Jacob was limping a little. He closed the door and went up to his room to get some rest.

Later that night around 1am, Prince and Jacob walked towards Ray, Lance and Rebel who were sitting on the sidewalk already waiting for them. Prince decided he needed a release since it has been about a month since he last seen the others and he missed them so even though his parents forbid him from hanging out with them he still met up with them. They all decided to go get something to eat first then head to the park. Since they didn't want to go by the diner they decided to go by the pizza place instead. When they got their slices they sat down when they were finished eating Prince got up to refill his drink. When his drink was refilled he turned and bumped into a girl causing his straw to drop even though she had on a hoodie her teal hair could be seen through the sides.  "Sorry," Prince mumbled glancing up at the girl as he grabbed another straw.

"My fault," the girl mumbled back.

Just when he was about to walk off he turned suddenly and looked at the girl. "Breanna?" he looked at her. She looked at him and quickly turned the other direction and quick walked to the exit, he followed her but when he got outside she was no where in sight. The only people he saw were young couples leaning up against their cars. He looked left and right but she was nowhere in sight, confused he turned and headed back to the table.

"I just saw Breanna," he whispered to Jacob once he sat down.

I hope this chapter was okay :)

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ