Don't ask, Don't tell

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A couple minutes later, the principal came out and motioned to Prince to come in her office. He nervously got up and walked into her office where he saw two guys in suits waiting, one sat in one of the chairs in front the principals desk while the other was standing.

"What's going on?" Prince asked completely confused.

"Have a seat," the principal spoke gesturing towards an empty chair in front of her desk.Prince sat down and immediately directed his attention to the two guys. He looked up at one of the guys who wore a grey suit and immediately recognized him as one of the officers who was at the scene the night B.J got arrested. His partner took out a pad and a pencil and cleared his throat. Prince then diverted his attention to him.

"We understand you were friends with Breanna Johnson. is that correct?" the guy finally spoke.

"Yeah, well not really anymore I haven't spoken to her in awhile,why?" Prince responded completely confused. He really didn't see this coming.

"Well it seems that she has disappeared and we were wondering if you had any information."

"Disappeared? I haven't seen her since the night by the diner where she set me up to be killed."

The officer jotted down what Prince said and continued to question him.After a few more questions they gave Prince a number to call if he know where she might be.

While Prince was in the principal's office Jacob was in Science barely able to keep his eyes open. The teacher told them to get into groups of two Jacob soon felt a presence next to him he looked across and saw Justin sitting next to him.

"Um...why are you sitting here?" Jacob questioned, since he has been at this school Justin had never spoken to him so he found it strange he would just sit next to him.

"She said get into groups of two didn't she?"Justin said looking straight ahead at the instructions the teacher was giving.

"Umm yeah, I guess," Jacob shrugged suspiciously.

Jacob and Justin worked on their assignment together without any conversation only to ask work related questions. Though Jacob was tense at first he soon became comfortable and they finished their assignments first and handed in it. When class was finished Jacob grabbed his stuff and headed out the door where he saw Prince waiting in the hallway.

"Hey,": Prince smiled.

"Hey," Jacob smiled he hasn't been expecting him, "what did the principal want?"

They started walking to their next class as Prince told Jacob what had happened in the office and the questions the detectives asked.

"Wait her mom reported her missing?" Jacob said confused.

"Uh huh," Prince responded as he maneuvered around people standing in the hallway chatting.

"Why?" Jacob asked scrunching up his eyebrows.

"Um...I don't know probably because that's her daughter," Prince responded almost sarcastically.

"Nah, that's not what I mean, her mom's a cocaine addict she barely remembers she has kids, that's why B.J was tryna get a scholarship but his anger got the best of him when Ray walked me home last night he was telling me how B.J started getting in alot of fights at school," Jacob replied as they got into the Art room, they were the last two and Mr.August was already instructing the class to do a watercolour painting.

"Oh, that's really sad," Prnce replied with compassion, "hold were with Ray last night but wouldn't answer my texts," he hissed catching himself.

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Where stories live. Discover now