Bad Ass

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"You saw who?" Lance asked after over hearing what Prince had told Jacob.

"Breanna," he whispered loud enough for everyone at the table to hear. Everyone looked at him confused. Rebel looked around the resturant.

"So where is she?" Rebel asked. Prince shrugged.

"I don't know, I called her name and she ran out," Prince responded.

"Isn't she supposed to be missing?" Ray asked confused.

"I don't know, maybe I'll see her again and get to talk to her," Prince replied a bit worried.

"She's the reason you almost got killed," Jacob snapped.

"Noo, you and that one over there are the reason I nearly got killed," Prince snapped back as he pointed towards Ray. 

"The point is she only dated you to lure you into getting hurt or killed," Jacob explained. Prince glared at Jacob nastily then Jacob realized what he had said. " No, i didn't mean that she wouldn't have dated you otherwise I was just say-" his voiced trailed off as Prince got up and walked away. Jacob looked at the guys who were just sitting quietly watching everything unfold, Ray just looked down at his food, Rebel just stared at Jacob and Lance just perched hi lips shaking his head slowly. "Let's go," Jacob sighed and with that they left. They all started walking to the park and since Prince had only left a minute or so before them he was only a small distance ahead. Jacob ran up to him calling his name but he just sped up. "I'm sorry," Jacob pleaded grabbing Prince's arm.

"Don't be man handling me," Prince growled snatching his hand out Jacob's grip and storming off.

When they got to the park they noticed Prince crounched down behind some bushes he gestured to them and they ducked and crawled over to him.

"What happen?" Lance asked confused.

"They got a night guard now," Prince whispered, "we can't paint here."

"I know where we can go," Jacob whispered as they all kept their eyes on the pulp guy patrolling.

"I'm sorry Lance, did you hear something?" Prince turned to Lance in fake confusion.

Lance looked back and forth at the two. "Um..."

"So we gonna act childish now?" Jacob hissed.

Prince scoffed and when the guard was out of sight they got up and headed to where Jacob lead them. When Prince realized where they were heading he stopped.

"Is it okay for us to be here?" he asked turning to Jacob.

"Oh so now we talking?" Jacob responded.

"Oh crap, I forgot," Prince mumbled scolding himself. Jacob smiled as he tried to suppress a laugh.

They walked up towards Jacob and Prince's school and stared at the clean brick wall which looked like i had never experienced a day of graffiti. "Niceeee," Rebel smiled as he dropped his bag on the ground.

"I don't feel right doing this, what if we get caught?" Prince said worriedly.

"Just run," Ray said simply as he too dropped his bag on the ground and grabbed his cans of paints.

"Prince can't run for shit," Jacob laughed. Prince punched Jacob in his side catching him by surprise. "See? If it wasn't true you wooun't have hit me," Jacob laughed.

"Whatever," Prince laughed, "and stop talking to me I'm giving you the silent treatment."

"How's that working out for ya?" Jacob smiled realizing that Prince couldn't stay mad at him. 

"I hate you," Prince blushed as he dropped his bag and took out his new paints that he hadn't got a chance to try out yet. They were fluorescent spray paints and he coudn't wait to see how they would look in the dark. 

"Ouu dope," Rebel gasped looking at Prince's paints, "Could I borrow the blue?" Prince tossed the blue his direction and took a piece of the wall of his own and started painting.

"Ohh it's kinda chilly out," Prince remarked, "been awhile since I've been out here this late."

"Yup, just over a month now, Jacob's been keeping you busy," Ray commented.

"From what I understand it's you who he's been keeping busy," Prince remarked almost immediately catching Ray by surprise.

"Ha, you are jealous," Jacob cheesed as he turned to Prince.

"I'm not, i'm just saying," Prince replied matter-of-factly.

For the entire night Jacob hassled Prince to get him to admit he was jealous leaving Prince's cheeks sore from all the blushing. He got back home around 2am and his parents were still asleep he climbed up his tree by his room and hopped on the roof going back into his room closing his eyes he quickly fell asleep.

When he got to school the next day he parked his car and when he approached the building he saw a crowd of students with their phones out gathered around the wall him and the guys had painted last night.

"That looks so awesome," he overheard one student say as they walked by. This made him smile.

"Who in their right mind would deface our beautiful school like that, it's ugly," another stated as she passed with her friends. He recognised her from the student council. 

"Haters," he muttered under his breath.

When he got inside the school he headed straight to his locker to find Justin standing there waiting. 

"Um..morning," Prince smiled abit shyly, he was shocked to see Justin there.

"Good Morning," Justin beamed. He then scrunched up his eyebrows and dug into his pocket handing Prince a wet wipe.

"What's this for?" Prince asked confused. Justin just pointed down to the fluorescent green paint on Prince's boots. "Ohh," Prince chuckled nervously as he crouched down to wipe it off.

"How long have you been doing graffiti?" Justin asked looking down at Prince.

"Who said I do graffiti?" Prince replied trying to keep his guard up.

"I know because the paint outside matches the one on your shoes plus security footage," Justin remarked calmly.

This made Prince jump up, "security footage?"

"Yeah, don't worry I erased it," he beamed.

Prince gave a sigh of relief. "I own you one," he smiled.

"I know," Justin cheesed, "you got plans Friday night?"

"Noo, you got plans for me?" Prince replied almost flirtatious.

"Maybe, I'll pick you up at eight," Justin smiled. Justin's demeanour quickly changed and his face became straight Prince didn't even have to look behind him to know that Daniel and other guys from the team (lacrosse btw) were approaching. 

"Damn Justin, sorry for leaving you alone bro look who he was forced to talk to," Daniel shouted as he approached. the other guys laughed and Justin gave an awkward chuckle. Steve and Matt who usually had the most to say were unusually quiet and Prince knew exactly why, he couldn't help but smile to himself as Steve glared at him. The guys pulled Justin away talking to him about their recent game.

"Sorry," Justin mouthed as he walked away.

Prince looked back around and realized Steve was still there standing.

"You see something you like?" Prince sassed.

Steve narrowed his eyes at him and stepped closer to him, "if you tell anyone about me and Matt Im going to skin you alive," he threatened.

Prince looked him up and down and scoffed, "and if you don't get the fuck out my face I'm gonna dislocate your face." Steve was so taken aback by Prince response he didn't know how to retaliate, prince closed his locker and walked off, though his demeanor in responding to Steve seemed confident he could feel his heart racing down to his feet when he turned the corner out of Steve's sight he stop and leaned up against a wall to catch his breath.

"Ouu, he gonna kill me," he breathed heavily as he tried to get his hands to stop shaking.

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