On the low

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Since Justin wasn't showing Prince much attention it forced Prince to talk to people from school that would generally not talk to him never the less look in his direction. He found himself sitting among some of the 'popular' females.

"When Steve started going around saying you were gay I had no idea you even existed," Amber spoke as she giggled and flipped her blonde hair. Her diamond necklace and matching earrings catching the light every time she turned.

"Well most people don't," Prince responded trying to laugh it off. 

"We should all totally go shopping sometime," Brooke who sat next to Amber spoke up with a wide grin, "gay guys LOVE to shop they have good taste too," she cheesed as she turned to Ashley who was on the other side of her. Prince rolled his eyes at the stereotypical ignorance that had just came out her mouth.

"Gosh Brooke shut up, your voice is beyond annoying," Amber scoffed at her. Prince found Amber to be very mean and usually he would stay away from people like that but since Justin was ignoring him and they were talking to him he figured it was whatever. He looked over at Brooke who just crossed her legs and looked straight ahead he could tell she was hurt but didn't want to show it. Ashley, who was also a friend of the two comforted Brooke by simply rubbing her shoulder. 'If Amber is so mean why do they follow her around?' Prince wondered.

"This be some Mean Girls shit," he mumbled not loud enough for the girls to hear.

"So how bout shopping tomorrow?" Amber cheesed directing back to Prince.

"I don't really do the whole shopping thing," Prince told her straight up.

"Nonsense ! I had a gay friend once and he LOVED to shop," she said flashing her smile and flipping her hair for the millionth time. This made Prince roll his eyes again.

"Actually, I'm not really-"

"So pick you up at 11?"

Prince was getting irritated just being around her and soon he was thinking up an excuse to escape. "I gotta go to the bathroom," he said basically shouting now because Steve and Matt who were now fully intoxicated had turned up the music.

"Okay," Amber smiled flashing her pearly whites.

Prince went towards the downstairs bathroom and pushed open the door but was greeted by a red hair girl crouched over the toilet vomiting her brains out, he was now starting to realize how wild the party was getting, everyone wasn't as responsible as him when it came to drinking it seemed. He turned up his face shutting the door quickly and went upstairs to find another bathroom. When he reached the first door he turned it and found it was locked he thought maybe that was Justin's parents room so he continued to the next door down the hall when he reached the nob to open the door it opened and a guy exited followed by a girl. The girl walked out with her head down tugging at her clothes while the guy walked out confidently. Prince shook his head at the two and walked into the room, when he got inside he looked around and realized he was probably in Justin's room. The trophies and his sports jackets were a dead give-away that it was definitely Justin's room. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the middle of the room, his eyes scanning the room he then saw an attached bathroom, going into the bathroom he turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face.

Meanwhile Justin needed a break from his drunk friends so he decided to go look for Prince. Since he was the only one out of friends that didn't drink much, their drunken behavior was starting to irritate him. He walked into the house and immediately headed over to Amber since he had seen her with him last.

"Where's Prince?" he questioned as he walked up to the dancing girls.

"Who?" Amber asked as she swayed from side to side as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Justin could smell the alcohol on her breath. He remove her hands from around his neck and walked off realizing she would be no help. After walking around downstairs and realizing that he wasn't there Justin thought he had gone home. He was starting to feel bad for ignoring him the entire night after all he was the one who inviting him, As he walked back into the living area where the majority of the people where Steve and Matt who were now shirtless and shouting at the top of their lungs came around the corner running directly into him and Steve's drink spilled all over his shirt.

"Really dude?" Justin scoffed, as he looked down at his shirt, "yah'll had too much to drink."

"Dudeeee, enjoy yourself.....it's a partyyy !" Matt slurred as he reached over and hugged him barely able to keep his balance. The smell of the alcohol on his breath made Justin want to throw-up. 

"Alright, come on," Justin sighed guiding Matt and Steve over to the couch to sit down. He sat them down and went upstairs to his room to change his shirt. When he got up to his room he heard the faucet in his bathroom running. When he walking over to the bathroom door he saw Prince. 

When Prince looked up into the bathroom mirror he saw Justin standing by the door. "May I help you?" he sassed as he turned to dry his hands.

"No," Justin said awkwardly, "although you are in my bathroom."

"Sorry, the bathroom downstairs was occupied I'll be leaving now," he said as he turned back to the sink throwing his drink down the drain.

"No problem, take you time," Justin shrugged.

"You invited me here and haven't spoken to me all night," Prince scoffed as he shook his head.

"I know, I'm so sorry it's just Steve and the guys-"

"Ugh,Steve," Prince interrupted folding his arms, "I should have known,well birds of a feather flock together right?"

"What? Steve and I are nothing alike," Justin chuckled as he looked down when he looked back up at Prince he was met with a clearly not amused stare.

"You know what confuses me?"

"What?" Justin asked confused.

"Why did you kiss me?" Prince finally asked.

"Shh," Justin said as he looked outside the bathroom door and then entered the bathroom closing the door behind him. "To be honest I-"

His speech was interrupted by things knocking over in his room. 

"The hell?" Justin spun around and he headed towards the door, Prince followed him and Justin quietly opened the door closing it back quickly. "Turn off the light," he whispered to Prince who was standing next to him. Prince quietly turned off the light and carefully positioned himself by Justin so he could see what was happening. Justin cracked the door open once more to see two drunk figures wrestling with each other's mouths carelessly knocking over stuff as they made their way to the bed. One of them threw the other on the bed and got on top of him. Their faces couldn't be made out because only a lamp on Justin's side table was on so the light only outlined their bodies.

"It's two guys," Prince whispered in Justin ear. Justin nodded once he realized Prince was right.

The guy on top traced his tongue down the other guys body until he reached his destination. He carefully unbuckled the guys pants and pulled them off.

"Should we be watching this?" Justin whispered to Prince.

"Shh," Prince replied abruptly, "we gotta at least see who they are first plus it would be awkward if we walk out now," he whispered in Justin's ear as they watched the guy on top traced his tongue around the other guy's dick.

"Ahh shit...Steve baby," the guy who was laying down moaned as he pushed his partner's head down.

Justin and Prince mouths dropped open as they looked at each other even though they could only see eachother's eyes they knew they shared the same reaction.

"I did not see that coming !" Prince whispered excitedly as he covered his mouth.

Bet ya didn't  expect an update so soon :D

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