Who am I? Who are you?

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"I'll tell you what's going on," B.J snared,his eyebrows curved in depicting the anger heard in his voice. 

"B.J- " Ray interrupted as he glared at him.

"Let's just paint ok? That all I came to do, I'm not about this bullshit, if I knew you would have been here I would have never came," Jacob snapped back. Prince looked over at Jacob and studied him a moment. He had never seen him angry so this was new. He knew that what ever happened between the guys was serious. 

"Fine let's paint," B.J said as he grabbed a can of paint and shook it aggressively. 

The rest of them followed suit. Prince stood between Jacob and B.J as everyone took a part of the freshly painted wall as their own. The air was tense,there was no usual chatter or jokes. Ray was quiet as was Lance and Rebel, the only sound that could be heard was the spraying of paint. 

Prince looked over at Jacob and was impressed by his design. "That's fantastic," he said breaking the silence. Everyone peeped over to check it out. B.J walked around Prince and stood next to Jacob. The air was thick as everyone stared at B.J anticipating what he would say. 

"It's okay," B.J finally spoke up. 

"Psh, just okay? Man let's go Prince," Jacob scoffed as he dropped the paint he was holding in his bag and swung his bag over his shoulder. Prince grabbed his bag and followed Jacob's instructions. He wasn't used to Jacob being so in control and angry therefore he didn't know how to react. 

"You are so fucking childish," Ray who had been quiet for the majority of the night snapped. Jacob and Prince spun their heads around towards their directions and saw B.J spraying black paint across Jacob's artwork. Lance and Rebel gasped as Jacob dropped his bag and bolted towards B.J.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Jacob snapped angrily.

"Just adding a final touch," B.J replied with a smug smile as he dropped the now empty paint can. 

Before they knew it Jacob and swung his hand and hit B.J dead center in his face causing him to stumble. B.J leaned his hand back as he held his nose. "You broke my nose you little dick nigga," he spat.

"Good," Jacob responded calmly," and by the way, there's nothing little about this dick, ask Ray." Prince's mouth flew open as he looked at Jacob shocked at his words but Jacob didn't even notice Prince's reaction he was busy giving Ray a cold stare. Ray stood tensed as he tried to speak but no words seemed to come out. 

"What the hell is he talking about?" B.J snapped as he stepped into Ray's personal space, " I thought you said nothing happened."

"I-" Ray started. This was the first time Prince saw fear in Ray's face. He could understand why though because B.J had an aggressive demeanor, his 6"4 height towered over Ray's height plus he was well built which gave him more body mass than Ray. 

"You fucking lied to me," B.J snarled. 

"I didn't-"

"I'm so done, I can't take this," B.J shouted as he pushed Ray to the side and grabbed his bag and headed down the dark street. 

They all watched him walk down the street until he disappeared. No one said anything they all just stood in silence. Just then they heard the chirp of a police siren from behind them. Having being so distracted from the episode a few minutes ago they didn't notice a police car sneaking up behind them. They all froze, they didn't have time to run. 

"Hands up," the officer ordered through the loud speaker.


Prince's dad pulled in the driveway, his eyes straight ahead. The ride home from the police station had been quiet and Prince was afraid to speak but on the other hand he wanted to know what his punishment would be. 

The sun was now rising, in about two hours Prince would have to be at school. His dad unlocked the door to step inside the house allowing Prince to go in first. Upon stepping in he was greeted by his mother who was pacing up and down. 

"Jacob," she said as he stepped in, she ran up to him and hugged him. She pulled him away from her and inspected him. Seconds later she slapped him across his face causing him to stumble. "I did not raise you to be some hoodlum !" she snarled. Prince glared at his mom as he held his face. She folded her arms over her bosom as she waiting for Prince to give her some explanation. 

"Get up to your room you have school in two hours," Prince's dad spoke up. 

"Can I stay home? I'm tired," Prince whined.

"You should have thought about that when you were gallivanting all over town defacing buildings," his father scolded.

"It is not "DEFACING" It's Art."

"That rubbish is not art," his father scoffed.

"Yes it is dad, it is," he pleaded, "it is, art comes from within, it shows your emotions,  it shows you things you never knew were inside of you and that"s why I want to be an artist."

"Jacob," his dad sighed, "art is just a hobby."

Prince shook his head as tears started to sting his eyes, her stepped back and turned to go up to his room, "you guys will never understand me."


Prince stood by his locker as he tiredly put away his books. He was on zombie mode all day and he was finally glad it was lunch. He thought maybe he could get a nap. He had gotten so used to Jacob being around him that he kinda missed him. Prince thought that maybe Jacob's parents let him stay home and rest unlike his.

"I hate my stupid parents," he mumbled.

"Hey," a voice sounded behind him. He turned and saw the red hair girl from the other day.

"H-hey," he stuttered shocked by the fact she was speaking to him.

She chuckled at Prince"s awkwardness. "I'm Breanna."

"Oh nice to meet you I'm-"

"I know who your are," she giggled.

"Oh? You do? OK."

"Going lunch?"

"Yeah," Prince replied with a nod.

"Let's go then," she smiled as she took his hand. He closed his locker and followed her.

This was shocking to him because hardly anyone talks to him at school,girls included.  "Did someone dare her?"

Or did Breanna have an ulterior motive.

G r a f f i t i (A Princeton and Jacob Latimore Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя