The war has just begun (Part 1)

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Sorry I took awhile to update I had hit my head the other day and I had a massive headache, it's still hurting abit but I think I'll be fine


Jacob paced up and down the sidewalk in front of Prince's car as he thought of what he was going to do. As he was pacing he heard chatter and laughter from nearby, when he turned he saw Justin and Daniel walking out the school before he knew it he was barreling towards them, just as Daniel noticed Jacob was approaching before he could even say anything Jacob punched him straight in the face knocking him to the ground. 

"Dude what the hell?!" Justin screamed stepping towards him. Jacob pushd him also knocking him on the sidewalk.

He stood over the two of them as they looked up at him confused, "Where is he?" he screamed tears of anger rolling down his face.

"WHO?!" Justin and Daniel both shouted.

Jacob stepped back and realized that they really were confused. "Sorry," he mumbled helping them up. He sighed and turned to walk back to Prince's car then he stopped in his tracks and turned back around, "Didn't yah'll just have practice?" he asked the two.

"Um..yeah..." Daniel responded.

"So where's Matt and Steve?" he questioned.

"They left early, Steve was feeling sick and Matt took him home," Justin replied.

"I bet he did," Jacob responded. He could feel the anger boiling up inside him. He couldn't believe what he was going through his mind. Did Steve and Matt really take him somewhere? Are they really that insecure that they would hurt him in order to keep their "secret". Justin saw too why didn't they do him anything? Jacob then narrowed his eyes at Justin and scoffed, "They don't know do they?"

"Know what?" Justin questioned as if he didn't know what Jacob was referring to.

"Oh so you gonna act dumb?" Jacob said crossing his arms, "That you like guys? They don't know do they?"

Daniel gasped and looked at his friend, " Dudeeeee," he said almost in a laugh. "You with that gay shit? You like dick in the ass?" Daniel laughed.

"Please shut up !!" Justin snapped.

Daniel's face immediately got serious. "You could have told me though, I'm not homophobia or nothing I just make jokes," Daniel shrugged, "plus I got a gay cousin."

Jacob rolled his eyes, "You want a medal?" 

Daniel responded by stretching out his hands to his sides, "what?" he mouthed. Jacob rolled his eyes once more.

" I don't have time for this I gotta find Prince," Jacob sighed as he began to walk off.

Justin immediately looked up at Jacob and grabbed his hand pulling him back. "Prince is missing???" he questioned almost in a panic.

"Yes !" Jacob snapped, "Why the hell did you think I was standing here talking to you idiots for the past fifteen minutes?"

"How long has he been missing?" Justin questioned ignoring Jacob's insult.

"I don't know, since after school I guess," Jacob responded, "his car is still over there everything is in it and his door was open and his keys were on the ground." Jacob was getting tired of all the questions he just wanted to find Prince and he had a feeling Steve would know here he would be.

"Maybe he went for a stroll," Justin suggested trying to calm Jacob down.

Jacob glared at Justin, "Oh yeah, how bout I go for a stroll yes a stroll oh lemme just drop my keys here on the ground and leave my door open," Jacob mimicked sarcastically, "he didn't go for a 'stroll' someone frigging stole him." Jacob was now frustrated and Justin was really just making it worst. Daniel chuckled and buckled over, both Justin and Jacob looked at him in disgust. "What the hell are you laughing at?" Jacob snapped.

"You said 'stole him'", Daniel laughed. Jacob lunged at him but Justin held him back

"Do you really think this is the time or place?" Justin scoffed looking over at Daniel.

"Sorry," Daniel said getting serious.

"Let's go, you're taking me to Steve's house," Jacob directed at Justin.

"Wait? What about Prince's car?" Justin questioned pointing to where it was parked.

"We aren't calling the police yet, if I don't find him by tomorrow then we could call them," Jacob responded.

"What about his parents? They're away on vacation," Justin stated. Justin and Prince's parents knew each other from the neighbourhood committee meetings.

"Look give me till tomorrow to find him if not call whoever you want,"Jacob replied as he turned and walked towards Justin's car.

"Shotgun !" Daniel shouted as he ran pass them.

Jacob stopped and looked over at Justin, "must we bring him?"

"Um..yeah because he's staying over my house tonight," Justin shrugged with an apologetic look.

They all got in the car and headed to Steve's house.

When they got to Steve's house Jacob was the first out the car. He ran up to the front door and pressed the doorbell and knocked on the door repeatedly. When Steve finally opened the door Jacob immediately lunged at him, "Where is he?" he shouted tackling Steve to the floor. Justin rushed in and pulled Jacob off him.

"Stop jumping to conclusions,chill," Justin snapped lifting a kicking Jacob by his waist.

"Do you have Prince?" Justin asked Steve directly.

"No," Steve responded simply.

"See? Justin responded setting Jacob down. Jacob's eyes caught Matt's in the corner of the room and he looked back at Steve who had absolutely no emotion on his face. In his eyes they were guilty and he was going to prove it.

"Fine," Jacob panted. Looking back and forth at Matt and Steve then to Justin. "Take me home," he said to Justin as he walked out. Justin and Daniel followed him out the door and they drove off. 

Justin dropped Jacob off and drove off. Jacob entered his home and no one was home yet he walked up the stairs and changed his clothes he put on some black jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie and his shoes. He walked out his room and walked into his mom and Chres' room and went into their closet. He staked up a few of his mom's shoe boxes and stood on them reaching up to the top shelf of the closet and took down a metal box. He took off the cover of the box and was greeted by buttons for a code. He sighed then thought for a moment then punched in his mom's birthday which was incorrect, he groaned then thought some more and typed in their anniversary and it opened. He released a sigh of relief as he opened the box and was greeted by a gun and bullets. He loaded the gun and shoved it in his pants taking a few extra bullets and putting them in his pocket just in case. He put the box back where he had found it and fixed back everything the way he had found it. He went downstairs and grabbed his car keys, he had his licence now but didn't drive his car yet because he made an agreement with his mom to only drive the car when he pay for half. He went in the garage and pulled the cover off his car and started it up, pulling out the driveway he made his way to Steve's house. 

I hope this was okay :)

What do you think is going to happen?

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