A New Friend

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Jacob stood in the shower as the warm water cascaded down his body. It was 6am and he was getting ready for school. He came out the shower and got dressed. After putting on his school uniform, Jacob took a moment to admire his bedroom wall. He absolutely loved it after spending so much time and effort on it,he was proud. He smiled at the white wall with drawing all over it. His mother hated it because she looked at his as defacing it however Jacob saw art.

At 8o' clock,Jacob walked into the school with his bookbag swung over one shoulder and his headphones on. Having arrived at his locker he opened it and got ready for his favourite class, Art he then stuffed his leather jacket inside the locker before closing it. 

Jacob was different from most kids at his school,he wasn't stuck up and he didn't pretend to be someone he wasn't and for that reason he never seemed to fit in any of the social groups. He was an outsider.

Jacob sat in Art class anticipating the moment Mr.August would tell them their assignment. Art was his favourite subject,not only because he was very artistic but because of Mr.August. Mr.August's brown complexion was inticing and his muscles often showed through his close fitting shirts. Jacob wasn't gay or he never thought about it but there was something about Mr.August that made him feel a type of way.

"Settle down guys," Mr.August suddenly spoke breaking Jacob out of his day-dream.

Jacob looked up and saw a new student standing next to Mr.August.

The new student stood confidently infront of the class as multiple eyes stared at him.

"Class we have a new student as you could see and what's your name?" Mr.August spoke.

"Jacob Latimore," the student smiled. 

"Oh, wow we have another Jacob," Mr.August smiled towards Jacob P cause him to twitch nervously in his seat.

The new student smiled over at him.

"Well,most people just call me Princeton," Jacob P managed to bring out.

"We shall call you that then.....Princeton," Mr.August smiled over at Princeton.

The new student Jacob walked over next to Prince and sat at an empty table next to him.

Soon after Mr.August started the class.

"Draw something that depicts you...something you are passionate about," Mr.August instructed.

Princeton immediately thought of drawing one of his graffitti designs.

In the middle of his drawing Prince was interrupted,"Damnn," he heard quietly from next to him. Looking over at Jacob he noticed what had caught his eye. Mr.August was crouched down picking up some paint brushes off the floor. The tightness of his pants causing his assets to be on display. Prince caught himself staring.

"Nice huh," Jacob said leaning over to him.

"No, I'm not,Im not gay," Prince stuttered.

"That's what they all say," Jacob smiled picking up his backpack and heading out the class just as the bell rang.

Princeton grabbed his bookbag and ran out behind Jacob. "I'm serious," Princeton said catching up to Jacob.

Jacob chuckled as he kept walking. "Don't laugh, Im serious," Princeton said as he struggled to keep up.

"Fine, I get it,I get it, you're not gay," Jacob smiled as he turned into his next class leaving Prince out in the hallway.

Prince walked into the cafeteria and scanned it for an open space. SInce he never eally mixed with kids from school he had no friends to meet up with at lunch to sit together. He looked to the back of the cafeteria and saw Jacob sitting alone. He sighed and headed over.

Prince slid in the side opposite to Jacob who was busy drawing in his sketchbook. Taking a closer look at the drawing Prince noticed Jacob was drawing Mr.August how he thought he looked shirtless.

"Seriously?" Prince said glaring at Jacob.

"What?" Jacob replied raising his eyebrows, "Don't act like you never thought of how he would look."

"I'm not gay," Prince whispered sharply.

"Hello,'not gay', I'm Jacob," Jacob said with a sarcastic smile. 

"This isn't a joke," Prince hissed.

"Fine, but there is nothing wrong with liking guys," Jacob smiled.

"Do you like guys?" Prince asked quietly as he leaned across the table slightly.

"Why?You like me too?" Jacob asked pulling Prince's leg.

"I told you I'm not-" Prince snapped.

"I know,I know,chill," Jacob laughed as he shaded in spaces of his drawing.

Prince never even thought of being gay,sure he had caught himself checking out other guys but that meant nothing.

"Wanna keep this?" Jacob asked breaking Prince's thoughts. Prince looked down and saw Jacob handing him his finished drawing of Mr.August.

"Sure," he said not wanting to seem to eager as he took it and placed it in his bag.

Jacob smiled as he grabbed his bag and headed out the cafeteria leaving Prince to play with his untouched lunch.

Jacob had left so many thoughts in Prince's head.

Inbox me suggestions :)

This is my first story like this so bare with me,it's kind of hard writing a story with both Jacobs.

I hope you like it.

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