Chapter 30: Revelation.

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POV:- Bruce

London went great but it was time for our final destination: Amsterdam. I had been having an amazing time! But Amsterdam was important; I was going to ask Natasha out. We had the entire day free in Amsterdam and I was going to make the most of it. I had a whole plan, I found this cute little café near our hotel and it was cheap so that was good. I hope Nat didn't mind. You know, if she said 'yes'. If she didn't, I'd probably tell her to keep it quiet, which she would hopefully comply and go back to my sad, drab life with my two best friends and drool over Thor and Natasha every day. Simply de-fucking-lightful. 

The plane ride was uneventful, mostly because I didn't sit next to Natasha because I knew if I did, I would just die on the spot of anxiety and I would basically implode. Tony was currently sat next to me and boy, could he NOT shut up. I mean, I get that he couldn't talk to Steve anymore, but man, he must have been going at it for like half an hour, non-stop, not even for like a sip of water. I still can't believe I gave up sitting with Natasha for this, I would have rather imploded. 

Amsterdam was thankfully cooler than London, I couldn't handle another day in the sun: so freaking depressing. As soon as we got out of the airport, it was just so breathtaking, and chill. There was nothing special about it physically, but the ambiance was just uplifting. It's energy in general just made you want to jump up and down with joy. What some people might have found generic, I found invigorating. 

This time, the bus was waiting outside. According to the itinerary, the hotel here was the best one so far which I needed desperately. A good night's sleep before my day of impossibilities was going to be made possible. As we pulled up to the hotel, it was made easily figured out that this one was far better than any of the rest. We checked in, I was still with Thor but thankfully, that didn't mean anything anymore, I didn't care about him anymore; or at least I cared about him less. I freshened up quickly, and I heard the door of the opposite room 'click'. 

The plan was in motion. 

I think, I haven't really thought about when I was going to do it just that I was going to do it. 

POV:- Natasha

The door opened behind me and Bruce inched in, taking the tiniest steps into the hotel room; I shared it with no one, well Steve, but he was barely here. He was taking terribly short breaths; barely even breathing in fact. His hands were trembling inside his pockets causing his entire figure to vibrate. His eyes were almost completely wide. It didn't even look he had eyelids anymore. He looked incredibly high on coffee, or just incredibly high.  

"Oh my God, Bruce are you okay?!" I ran up, he looked like he'd been drugged. I grabbed his wrists, they were doused in sweat, actually on closer inspection, his entire body and face was covered in sweat. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I just wanted to ask you something." His breathing got worse and I wanted to know what he had to say but something a little more important was going on right now.

"Bruce, can it wait? Tony is going to tell Steve about you-know-what today and I got to go eavesdrop and see how it goes." 

"Wait really, yeah sure. Can I come?" 

"Will you be quiet?" If I got caught, Tony would just use it as a blatant excuse to be mad himself and avoid the inevitable fight to come. So not being caught was mandatory. Hopefully Bruce was the stealthy type. 


We walked out of my room, Bruce had calmed down, his perspiration decreased too. I had planned out the entire eavesdropping session. I had done a quick scan of their room before they settled in and found a vent right around the corner from their room where I could hear every single thing. I also carried a book because the downside was they would be able to hear everything on our end as well so I carried the book just in case we wanted to talk. We stopped outside Tony's room where it would no doubt be taking place.

"Hey guys, whatcha doing?" It was Clint and Steve; no idea what they were doing, they like never hang out. It just occurred to me that I had to get Steve to agree to talk to Tony in the first place because let's be honest, Tony was going to procrastinate for at least a few decades. But before I could say anything, Bruce began speaking out of nowhere. Don't blow this, don't blow this!

"Tony wants to apologize in his room." Steve simply nodded and walked past and knocked on the door of Tony's room. Tony opened the door, looking at Steve, then at the three of us. Somehow, we all mouthed 'now' to which he groaned and let Steve inside. I updated Clint on what was going on and we approached the vent.

But we were too late.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I had heard Steve scream before but this was extreme. But then, there was a prolonged silence. I wanted  to know what was going on; I hated being left in the dark! 

A few minutes later, we heard the click of a door and that was it. 

Hey guys, sorry these last chapters have been kinda terrible and I apologize because they have been very forced and rushed and I have had zero Marvel inspiration and so I've been focussing my main attention on my other book which hopefully does better and I think it will but not that much better. Okay, I'm rambling. Yes, that sounds weird cause you're reading this and I can't be but I swear I am and also, deal with it cause yeah. But I don't mean to sound rude. Okay bye. 

Word Count:- 1027

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