Chapter 13: Sleepover?

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POV:- Steve

Ah, the after party. And apparently eleventh graders can't possibly keep away from alcohol for two years. Two measly years. Maybe we should just head home. I can't imagine the trouble I would be in if I was caught in an underage party with alcohol.
"Tony, maybe we should just leave." I didn't want anything to do with this. I don't care if the party was thrown for my team.
"What!? This is paradise!" What is he talking about.
"If underage drinking is paradise to you, maybe that kiss was a bad idea." I didn't anything to do with a person who saw this as their paradise.
"That's not what I meant. I meant having fun. You may not be, but I am a huge extrovert." This was not the place to 'go wild' so if we wants to stay, he can. I am not staying another second.

"Okay, well I'm not risking it so. I'll see you tomorrow Tony." I pecked his cheek and walked out. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had a mentality like that. Because when I walked out, so did Nat, Clint, Pietro, Bruce and Wanda. My Mom had already left because she thought we would be staying and I couldn't call her because she was at work now. So we decided to walk to the closest person's house. Which just so happened to be Bruce. I don't know if Clint had ever been here or not but I knew for a fact that none if the rest of us had. He had a key so we walked inside. It was empty. Completely empty, and actually kind if eerie. No sign of life whatsoever.
"Ah, home sweet home." It may have sounded cute in the usual but the way he said it was packing in mire sarcasm than I've ever heard Tony use, and that's saying something. That's actually saying a lot.

He led us all up to his room. Each step creaked making the only sounds heard. Each tiny creak sent chills up and down my spine. The house seemed almost haunted to me now. I would rather have walked an hour to my house than walk 15 minutes to his. But, there was no turning back now. A lot of people think that because I'm big and strong, I don't get scared of most things people do. However, I get scared of the tiniest possible things you could imagine. Creepy crawlies sometimes, ghosts which I keep telling myself don't exist and worst of all, snakes. I don't understand how anybody could like them. They're slithery, creepy and downright disgusting. I mean they travel on their stomachs, has nobody acknowledged that. And to add it all up, Nagini had to come and dominate my nightmares. Every single one of them. Bloody snake.

We walk into Bruce's bedroom and honestly, it wasn't that bad. It might have been the cleanest room in the house so that meant I was not leaving this room until its time to leave. This room: decent. Every other room: bad.
"So just out of curiosity, do you live alone?" I'm pretty sure its illegal and if it isn't, it kinda should be.
"No, my parents are scientists so they're just out of town a lot. That's why I usually stay at Clint's house. I actually know his parents better than I know mine." That's sad, I can't imagine growing up without my Mom. He must've been through a lot.
"We're really sorry." That was when Nat spoke up from nowhere. It was the first time I've heard her that she wasn't cold or mean. Like sure I have, but not like this, she was soft and kind and it's not the kind of vibe you get from her. It was surprising, in a good way.
"Oh hey guys, my Mom said she could pick us up and you guys could stay over." Clint so far was on his phone texting. But thank God, because I didn't wanna stay in this haunted house another second.

POV:- Clint

Before, I was pretty much the only one who knew what Bruce went, you'd think that he was the kind of person to crack any second and get mad but he's really not. I wonder is he meditates or something. So, we were in my Mom's car on our way home, well my home at least. We weren't gonna stay there, but at Nat's simply because her parents were out again. I wonder whether they actually come back. Because Nat never talks about them, even to me. It's weird. It wasn't a long drive but it was a bit awkward, it always is with a parent in the car. So of course apart from a few whispers here and there, it was silent af. So, we reached after a couple of years and basically stumbled out of the car. Wait did you expect!? It was seven people and one tiny car. Do the math!

Many people feel like Nat may be the only person or rather living being that doesn't have a soft spot or like a topic to avoid but I think it might be her parents. I've never brought them up and neither has anyone else because they're scared of her but I feel like I'm gonna have to someday. And I pray that the day that happens she might just be in a good mood or well anything that tips the scales in the direction of not killing me.

Anyway, moving on. We realised that everyone was gonna have to stay the night because that was the original plan. But no one had brought any sort of clothing so we had to improvise. We just used a few spare T-shirts from Nat's Dad's closet and Steve was pretty much the only person who properly fit in it. Thankfully I had my clothes next door and Wanda just used Nat's. Thus started our impromptu sleepover thing. This was gonna be a fun night. I hope. At least if it wasn't, I have Pietro now.

Okay, now at this point, I am really blanking on ideas for the trip. So please, help me! I'm desperate. Have a heart!! Also enjoy. And don't worry I'll be fine, I just over exaggerate everything I say. K byeeeee

Word Count:- 1045

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