Chapter 27: Trouble in Paradise.

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POV:- Sam

We were back from the museums, which were boring as hell and almost all of us were hanging out in my room, for some reason. Everyone was here, everyone except Clint and the British dude who were distracting Pietro and Wanda while Natasha broke some 'urgent news' which wasn't urgent at all apparently. 

"That was your big news?! I thought someone had died."

"They're basically delusional." Tony was the delusional one.

"No, you're just making this a bigger deal than this is. If we're just honest with them, they will thank us for it and they'll get over it." Tony rolled his eyes, disregarding anything that he didn't approve of: anything out of anyone else's mouth but his. "We'll just do that movie plan of yours and get it over with!" 

"I agree with Sam. Tones, you're over-exaggerating just a tad, it's not the end of the world." That was the first time Steve had said a word since the meeting commenced. The air suddenly got thicker. DRAMA. Steve and Tony stared at each other for a still. Tony's eyebrows were arched slightly in surprise and his mouth hung open whereas Steve was more controlled. His face barely bore any expression however his stance was resigned. For a while, nobody said a word and moved a muscle.

"That's my cue." Clint was the first to break the silence. He was clearly feeling the tension and awkwardness of the situation. I mean, you would need to be an idiot ignore it. But he was the flame everybody used as an excuse to start a chain reaction. After Clint, Natasha followed closely behind, left, the entire got up, except me and Bucky obviously. Tony didn't say a word, he just left but Steve mumbled a small 'thanks' before following suit. I didn't know what he was thanking us for but before I knew it, the entire room was empty of everyone who wasn't staying here. 

"Hey." Bucky made himself known. His voice wasn't casual but rather sultry and soft and highly suggestive of the obvious. No, it wasn't sex; we weren't there just yet but the stuff leading up to it was hot enough, I had no complaints. Actually it was the complete opposite. We were just, or me at least, I used to be a bit nervous in fact. I'm not a virgin, neither is he, but it would be my first time with a guy and even though I wouldn't be 'taking it', it was slightly daunting. At least Bucky felt the same way, though he should be more nervous however, he always seemed to be calm. Thankfully, I had Steve to share my agony with, and he's a complete virgin. 

Nevertheless, we decided it best to save our first time for when we were both comfortable, no matter how sappy that sounded but lately, he's been holding back a lot more and I've been a little more forward; I was ready, mostly because I figured if I did it, I wouldn't have to suffer fear but I was ready and I was afraid he wasn't.

Plus, what better first time that halfway around the world in London or Amsterdam. I mean Paris would have been ideal but beggars can't be choosers.

POV:- Steve

"I can't believe you didn't side with me!" The second I closed the door behind me, Tony set off like a kettle. "We're together, that's what you're supposed to do!" I didn't understand the point of waiting till we were in the room when he could probably heard throughout the entire hotel anyway. 

"Even if you're wrong?" I tried not to scream but his points were invalid. I don't have to side with him if he's wrong. I'm allowed to have opinions.

"Which you can express behind closed doors!" Nope! Nah! No! Last straw!

"What did you just say?" 

"Nothing." His voice switched to being reserved and small: an odd way to describe a voice but extremely fitting. He avoided any kind of eye contact with me by any means possible. 

"Did you just say I'm not allowed to express my opinion in front of other people?" He still couldn't turn around and look at me. "Tony! Look at me when I talk to you!" 

"That's not what I meant." He finally turned around, but faced the floor, only looking at me for a few seconds before resuming his original staring contest. 

"And what exactly did you mean then?" He finally looked up, though it was rather sheepishly. He let out short, and tired breaths of air, trying to let a sound out but no avail. He stuttered but there were no words. 

"Okay, well I'll be at Nat's so. Have a great night." I grabbed my phone and turned around, grabbing the knob of the door. 

"Steve wait." 

"Oh, now you can talk?!" I pulled open the door and walked out, closing it slowly behind me with a small click.

Nat's room was only two doors away, so it didn't take long at all. I knocked on the door which echoed loudly on the other side. Natasha opened the door. I expected to see Wanda behind her but nothing. She seemed to have noticed my confusion.

"She's staying at Vincent's, what's up?" Oh, the situation was rather convenient.

"Tony and I got into a fight, could I stay here?"

HEY GUYS! Here's another. I have nothing much to say except what I just said sooooo. But anyway, hope you guys are enjoying it. Be sure to comment about how terrible it is or how great this book is, and you know vote. A lot of you guys are actually voting so I thank you so much for all that, I had never gotten that many votes before but this is putting me in the ranks so thanks a bunch. But even if you don't wanna vote or comment, it's fine because your reads are enough but I would love it if you did.
PS. I love compliments, even if you're lying/joking.

Word Count:- 1012

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