Chapter 24: AIRPORT!

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POV:- Bruce

The past week had gone by so quickly, it seemed like yesterday that we were at Thor's house and today, we were already at the airport. We had received our itinerary for the European cities we'd be visiting: Rome, London and Amsterdam. They were typical location for a foreigner and some of the most, if not the most well known cities in Europe. The group of us -God knows how many- travelled together which we thought best. We had already been through all the necessary evils like security checks and baggage check-ins and were sat outside the gate waiting for boarding. Our plane wasn't late, it's just that we were far too early to be punctual. Everyone around me seemed to be having a deep and meaningful conversation about something or laughing about some crap. I wasn't exactly the most social out of the group, I preferred to stick with my assigned kin. That's probably why I mostly only hung out with Tony and Clint. I was never any good at making new friends, it was daunting and new feat and I was perfectly content with what I had. I had to change at some point, but that wasn't now and I was going to procrastinate until it was.

"Earth to Bruce!" My eyes adjusted and came into focus to see Tony's hand waving in front of my face. I didn't know how I knew it was Tony's, I just did. I looked around to absorb the change in my surroundings. Everyone was standing, luggage in hand. The boarding had opened. I barely had any bags, just a backpack and a small faded purple duffel. I pulled my hoodie up my arms, grabbed my bags and followed Tony to the back of the line for coach. The line wasn't too long, I'm guessing many people weren't travelling when business was at its highest so the total trip expense wasn't very high, thankfully. As we entered the aircraft itself, there stood an insanely beautiful air hostess waiting to greet us with the usual 'good evening, welcome aboard' and blah, blah, blah. The plane was set out with four seats in the middle with two on each side near the windows. Thankfully, I didn't have to go through the emotional trauma of figuring out where to sit especially since most of my friends -old and new- were in romantic relationships that somehow started and bloomed within the time span of half a term. Talk about unreasonable expectations while my sorry and lonely ass is sitting here and probably won't have a date till I'm rich, which will happen eventually. So I just walked past the occupied seats filled with all the couples that somehow had secret feelings for each other and had the guts to tell the other without going down a spiritual path or rather journey and an emotional rollercoaster. Their relationships were almost impossible creating unrealistic expectations for us normal people who bathe in loneliness. 

"Hey Bruce, over here!" I looked up to see Nat sitting in a window seat, waving me over. I hurried over to her. "Wanda ditched me for the new kid." She didn't look very offended at all, perhaps even rather pleased.

"Well, I am honoured to be your second choice of partner." I said, chuckling slightly. She laughed at my light-hearted humour. 

"Don't start." 

The plane ride was enjoyable to say the least, well as enjoyable as a plane ride can be. We watched movies, talked each others ears off, she may have nicked some extra peanuts from the hostess. It was the most fun I had experienced in a while. It was a rather long flight considering we were travelling basically halfway around the world. But, somehow it felt like a few hours. Time is relative, I guess. 

POV:- Pietro

Somehow, it seemed like the plane ride was going on forever. I had an aisle seat which seemed to be the silver lining in this terribly monotonous situation. We -me and Clint- were sat in the middle seats with Tony and Steve next to Clint. I wasn't sure but I think Steve was asleep or absorbed in something or some activity, I don't know! But what I did know was Tony, being lonely and having a constant need for attention to feed his forever running ego seemed perfectly with himself in hogging my boyfriend! I mean, I wasn't trying to tell him who to hang out with, I have to problem with it, as long as spends time with me as well, I mean, we are DATING! So, the plane seemed to be going on forever, it was a nightmare honestly. So far, the trip hadn't been going so well but then again, it was only the first half day or whatever. 

"Peanuts or cashews?" An air host had walked up to us with a tray. Also, cashews? Since when do we get choices? Must be a comfortable airline. I still hadn't looked up, which I then realised was a bit rude. I looked up at the source of the male voice with a smile. I was caught insanely off guard. He was gorgeous. No sugar coating, he was just simply gorgeous. I then proceeded to analyse him, absorbing every detail. It wasn't creepy. He had coiffed and crispy, brown locks that curled over his forehead in a neat way, somehow. His blue and platinum uniform hung close to his figure almost like he bought it a size smaller to attract attention. He wasn't really tall but tall enough. He had brown eyes complimenting his hair.  His smile was cheerful but also a bit smirkish. He looked like someone who made others around him happy, could cook and do all that stuff. 

"One of each please." Thank God, my voice didn't croak or screech for perhaps the first time in my life that I didn't want it to. He handed me the packets and moved on for the next person to be mesmerised. Of course, it may have been an accident but I, again accidentally, followed his ass a little behind me. 

"Pietro?" My eyes widened, he chose now to finally talk to me. I turned my head back to look at him, handing him the peanuts in the process. 

"Actually, I wanted the cashews, could I ha-"

"No." He looked at me questioningly, clearly too oblivious to pick up on my anger. 

"Is there a problem." 

"Yes. How was I supposed to know you wanted cashews when you didn't care enough to tell me?! The air host was here for a good two minutes. Why didn't you pay attention to him instead of conversing with Tony for the umpteenth hour in a row! Also, are you judging me for looking at another guy, are you that shallow to think I don't like you enough. Grow a pair, for God's sake!"

"Is this still about the cashews?" 

"That's it." I walked to an empty seat, any empty seat.

Yay, another chapter. Also, I'm running out of things to say down here so byeeee.

Word Count:- 1183

If I Fell.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon