Chapter 28: The Twins' Day Out.

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POV:- Bruce

Our final day in Rome and we were determined to make it a good one. Obviously, we had to start with the James Bond movie which was where we were. We stood outside a movie theatre pretty close to our hotel and Tony was about to break the news to Wanda and Pietro; the good news at least. The pictures on the website called for a modern and sleek design but currently we stood outside an ancient looking, too-rustic-to-be-modern building with the gang. 

"What is this place, I thought we were going to the Colosseum." Wanda spoke up among the silence of bewilderment of the the location. Tony, unlike the rest of us seemed very confident with the place.

"We are, but first..." He dug into his back pocket for the movie tickets. We had slightly more than fifteen minutes before the movie started but I wished Tony would hurry up. Finally -heaven knows how big his pockets are- he pulled out 13 small movie tickets but two of them ripped away from the others. Pietro and Wanda stared at his hand for a minute, their terrible eyesight trying to focus on the scene before them in the blistering sunlight. But when they caught up, they paled, literally before running toward him. They didn't snatch the tickets or even touch them but instead engulfed him in a three-way bear hug. In fact, if Clint hadn't been standing behind Tony to push him back onto his feet, Tony would have fallen on his tiny ass. 

When the twins finally let go, it was time for their new prey. Pietro basically threw himself on Clint, wrapping his legs around the taller boy causing Clint to stumble slightly before regaining his balance. Wanda instead came to Natasha who was standing beside me. I guess their friendship is now okay just like that; this is what I mean with the friggin' perfect relationships. By now, our time had gone down to ten minutes so we went inside. And of course, to everyone's surprise except Tony's, there were the sleek and sophisticated interiors of the theatre online. The lines were very, very, very long and for once in his life, Tony didn't have a card or VIP pass allowing us to go through. When we were inside, the movie was just about starting so me and Nat offered to buy popcorn while the others went ahead. 

"Looking forward to it." She tried striking up general conversation so our time wouldn't be awkward. 

"Oh God no! I'm only going for the twins, I'm planning on sitting as far away as possible and gently resting my eyes." By now, we were at the front of the line so I began to order. We were a large group so it took a while but thankfully, we had Tony's credit card or we would not have been to afford the foot-long bill. Now, it was only the question of how to carry it. The cashier gave us two large trays we were meant to return but it still wasn't enough. We made it only because of Natasha who managed to hold eight tubs of popcorn while I just held one along with five small, stacked nacho boxes. 

After we sat down, handed out the snacks and the movie began, I was out like a light on Natasha's shoulder.

POV:- Clint

The movie wasn't that bad to be fair. James Bond is pretty bad ass, I can see why they were so excited that he was real. We decided we would tell them at the hotel so as not to ruin the movie directly and the Colosseum. When the movie got over, the thirteen of us went over outside where Tony had called two cabs that we were forced to squeeze ourselves into. The car ride was rather long and way too uncomfortable for anyone's liking. 

The taxis took us straight to the monument and it was stunning. From a distance, we could see the entire circle but it still looked enormous. We would have run but it was crowded and we really didn't want to look like kids even though that's what they were. There was a fee to enter but the outside was good enough. Steve was going around the whole team taking pictures on his huge camera but I think he was trying to run away from Tony instead of try different angles. The tension between them was still unresolved. 

Thor was following Steve, apparently he had never seen a camera before that wasn't on his phone which made no sense but whatever. Anyway, since it was getting close to curfew and we conveniently skipped lunch, we decided soon to wrap it up. So, after an overall four hours at the Colosseum, Tony called the cabs and we headed back to the hotel. This is the part all of us were dreading: we had to explain to the twins that James Bond was fiction. We were well before curfew when we arrived thankfully or we'd have never heard the end of it. 

After a very measly supper, we all gathered in Natasha's room this time to break the news. The twins probably assumed we were there for a party or something cause they came prepared: onesies which they had apparently packed for this trip, and chips they probably got at the vending machine downstairs. 

"Well, let's get right to it." Tony was in charge of the revealing because it was his idea. He urged them to sit down, Clint and Vincent next to them just in case and then cut right to the chase.

"Guys, James Bond isn't real." There was barely a reaction to be honest. I assumed it was because it took a while for the information to be processed and the shock to set in. Tony could barely look at the twins without cringing at himself. There was no identifiable emotion on the twins' face. I was five full minutes until someone actually said something.

"Perhaps we should go." Clint broke the silence and with that, the twins left with everyone else on their heels.

Imma leave this empty for once.

Word Count:- 1028

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