Chapter 02: Homework & Hook-Ups.

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POV:- Tony

I can't believe I'm actually going to Steve Rogers' house right now! I'm so excited. Should I tell him I like him? Or not? What if he doesn't like me back? What if he's straight?! Oh dear, calm down Tony, you're going to have a panic attack, slow down. Breathe in, breathe out. Good. Okay, maybe I should find out if he's gay first. But I'll do it very discreetly. Yep, good idea.
"So if we're going to be working together, we should get to know each other. Fie example, do you have a girlfriend?" Yeah, great job Tony, real discreet!
"Well, no. I've had maybe one boyfriend my entire life." Yes, he's gay and single. Jackpot! Okay, but I don't wanna blurt something out and then have the project messed up so I'll do it after. Yep, that's a good idea.

We reach his house soon enough, and he shows me inside.
"It's not as big as your 'Stark Mansion' but its home." Oh right, of course he knows the great Howard Stark, hell the whole world probably does.
"No no, I like it, its...comfy." He looked at me and smiled again. And because it had to happen, my knees went weak. I felt like I couldn't stand and yet I was.
"Come on up." He walked up the stairs and I followed him.
"Don't you need to tell your Mom or something?" That's usually the first thing I do when I enter.
"Oh, no need my Mom is at work." And his Dad?
"And your Dad?" As soon as I said, I felt like it was wrong. Steve started giving off a slightly different vibe though he was trying to hide it.
"He uh- passed when I was young. But it's okay, I've got Mom so no need to do the back and forth thing where you say 'I'm sorry' and then I say 'it's okay' and then we move on because I really am fine." Okay, that's how I pictured the conversation going anyway. He led me towards a door and opened it. He of course, being the obvious gentleman he is let me in first. Before I saw it, I was expecting basketball posters and clothes sprawled across the floor but I was dead wrong! It was small but he definitely made the most out of it. The walls were filled with art posters and everything was neat, really neat.
"Sorry about the mess, if I had known you were coming, I would've cleaned up." I'm gonna slap him. Maybe on that ass but then again I wouldn't wanna ruin it.
"Are you kidding me, this is the cleanest place I've been in!" I made sure it didn't sound sarcastic because that was my default setting.
"So, let's start?" No, let me stare into your eyes for a bit first and then have a heated make out sesh.

POV:- Bruce

"So, when you say we're partners, it means you're going to do the assignment yourself right?" Clint and I have a long history of assignments and that's usually how it goes. Its almost like a tradition at this point.
"What?!" I love how scared he gets when he realises he has to contribute and actually do something.
"I actually already finished it." Too bad he doesn't.
"You're the best, Brucie. Since we finished, we can go straight to Nat's house." We always go to Nat's house after finishing homework.
"What difference would it make, you guys are neighbors."
"Still." We reach Clint's house and enter just enough to dump our bags before heading to Nat's.

Clint doesn't even knock, he just enters knowing Nat's parents are out.
"Nat, we're here!" We walk up the stairs and enter her room. She's usually alone but today, there's a girl sitting next to her. A very pretty one might I add. She had dark brown hair with a red ribbon and was wearing a red top and black jeans. She seemed to really like the colour red.
"Oh hey, this is Wanda, she's my partner for the English project. Wanda, this is Clint and that's Bruce." We sit down next to them on the floor.
"Hi." What was that accent?
"You're the exchange student, aren't you?" I was very polite and ensured it wasn't condescending.
"Yeah, me and my brother." Wait, brother? I didn't even have time to think because Nat immediately stated.

"Hear that Clint? Brother, Pietro. Do you know him?" I knew it. And apparently Wanda wasn't stupid.
"You have a crush on Pietro?" She was not stupid at all. As in for someone who seemed like they didn't speak much English at least.
"N- no." Clint was turning red and fast.
"Your face says otherwise, tomato." Nat had to sneak in a comment somewhere after Wanda's blunt suggestion.
"You should ask him out." Good advice. It's not like we've been telling him the exact same thing for Okay, well that is all the time he has had the crush so, still. Its weird how he fell for someone so fast.
"Oh, also I'm having a few more people over." Oh dear.
"Don't say party, please." Please, please, please, please.
"No, its just Thor and his brother. I would've called Stephen but Tony is busy and it would be awkward." That makes sense. Stephen only connects properly to Tony. I have no idea why. I tried talking to him and it was very awkward. Oh the bell rang, they must be here. I go down and open the door to Thor and Loki. Thor, how is he not a model? We head upstairs to Nat's room. We were about to enter when the bell rang again. I swear if Nat invited. I am going to kill her. I walk downstairs and open the door to...Pietro. This is gonna be interesting.

I invite him in, he was actually here for Wanda but I convinced him to stay for a bit. To be polite and to watch Clint crumble. Mostly the second one if I'm being completely serious. I guide him up the stairs and into the room. Things after that were just as I expected. As soon as Clint looked up from his conversation with Thor, he turned something that was even beyond red somehow.
"Pietro!" At least Wanda was excited to see him. I led to a place right next to Clint and I kinda pushed him down as politely as possible. He didn't seem to notice so I was fine.
"So let's play Truth or Dare!" I needed a way to work this in and straightforwardness is exactly what this situation needed(I know ToD is cliché, don't judge).

"I'll go first." Wanda is such a good sport. I should get to know her better. She seems like a stand up person. I get a plastic water bottle and put it in the middle. Wanda spins it and it yay, lands on Clint. Okay, cool now we can stop the game directly after cause I only really needed it to stop at Clint, make him confess and move on. I look at Wanda and smile. Hopefully, she gets what I mean. She smirks back and I'm feeling more confident that she does.
"Kiss the person you like the most in the room." She said it sleek and fast and just the way I wanted. Of course, that and Clint's death stare was a package deal. But to me, it was a win-win.
"Come on, get on with it. We all wanna know." Pietro ironically stated. Clint was now staring at him scared and decisively. Pietro was know confused and also staring at Clint.
"What?" He added. I forgot about the fact Clint really loves his accent. Then, all of a sudden, Clint holds Pietro's head and kisses him. Not like a second-lasting measly one. Oh no, this lasted for a while and soon enough, Pietro was kissing back. Yass, new couple. Little did I know that while I was dreaming about how great of a matchmaker I am, Nat spun the bottle, which landed Oh shit. Now Nat was acting way too smug and that can never be good.
"What she said." Oh crap. No, no please no. Why is this happening to me.
"Hurry up." Nat was not joking. Though she was having loads of fun. That makes one of us. I look at him. Do I do it? What would he think? He's sitting right next to me, I could make it quick. But before I had time to make a mental pros and cons list, I felt a hand on my head which turned my head abruptly and saw him. He had one on his head too. And soon enough, I was kissing Thor Odinson. It may have been forced, but it was amazing. Of course, though I should've known, I was so caught up that it took me a second to realize that...he wasn't kissing back. I pulled away quickly. I was a bit teary eyed but hopefully no one saw. I walked out of the room and out the door, and straight home...

I told you it would come shortly after but I still wanted to leave a little anticipation and make sure it wasn't directly after. Anyway enjoy. Also, before I forget, Thruce has been cancelled off the list of ships for various reasons. Sorry if you really liked them. But I will be adding a dash of Brutasha so hopefully that makes up for it.

Word Count:- 1606

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