Chapter 29: B¡tCh be CrAzY!

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POV:- Tony

The plane had just landed in London: our second stop just before Amsterdam. According to the itinerary, we only had two days here, one for the Big Ben obviously and the Wheel thing and another for Buckingham Palace which takes up half a day after which we're off again. I had to sit with Bruce, not that I'm complaining, its just that Steve is still mad at me, he did overreact though, to be completely fair. Bruce was just trying to get away from Thor I think but Steve not sitting with me upset the balance of pretty much all the relationships. Since Bruce was with me, Thor was with Loki, Stephen was with Vision, both of them not saying a word, simply bathing in awkwardness because Steve sat alone, and Nat sat with Clint and Pietro with Wanda. There was still a bit of tension there but it was fully expected. When we got outside, it was windy, like really windy. 

The hotel was definitely far better than the last one thankfully but we didn't have much time to ponder or do anything because and I quote 'Big Ben awaits' I never understood the hype behind the tower, I mean it was just a big clock, what's so special about it: nothing. But it was famous so it must be worth visiting.

I couldn't really concentrate on the trip or the destinations, Steve was mad at me which was fine, he'd get over it; the problem was that I also had to tell him I kinda, may have, sort of, probably, perhaps cheated and that was not going to be pretty. Furthermore, that Nia bitch wouldn't leave me alone. She was as privileged as I was, if not more financially, plus he parents were always around. In fact, our parents have their secret agendas of getting us together, well I obviously knew, they weren't exactly subtle in their ways. The thought of coming out did cross my mind but just to be sure I was going to wait until after high school. It was my safest bet. Steve was already out, I mean he did kiss me in front of the entire school. He seemed to come from such a perfect family, you know apart from not having a Dad anymore and all but still. 

The tattered bus arrived at the tower and it wasn't all that great especially since my mind was everywhere but the Big Ben. The rest of the day was spent simply walking around going to creepy, old places that looked like something out of a cheap antique shop. The Sun was up, didn't think it was hot in London but apparently I was proven wrong; seemed to happening quite a lot lately. Our first day in London was quite depressing so far, no one would talk to me. Everyone except Bruce and Clint were on his side which made sense cause he'd been in their group longer so I just assumed it'd be the trio again but Clint obviously chose Pietro - to be fair, I would've chosen Steve- and Bruce seemed to be spending an unhealthy amount of time with Natasha lately. I had been observing the two, with their camera, always taking cute couple pictures. That's what Steve and I should have been doing! 

Steve was far ahead of me, he walked with Sam; Bucky was daydreaming entirely, staring into nothingness and walking without any purpose. He seemed to be doing okay on the outside but I secretly and rather guiltily hoped he was suffering on the inside. 

Somewhere from behind me -which was weird because I thought I was last in the group- the Devil herself appeared: Nia.

"Hey Tiny." I physically cringed at the incredibly badly constructed nickname, especially coming out of her glossy, overly dressed lips.  

"Don't call me that." She was quite literally throwing herself at me at this point and acting like a drunk cow that hadn't taken their meds that morning. What happened next, I'm pretty sure was a sexual offence: the bitch fucking groped me. She groped me! IN PUBLIC! SHE NON-CONSENSUALLY SQUEEZED MY DICK IN FRONT OF MY CLASS IN LONDON ON A SCHOOL TRIP!!! I pushed her away with sheer force, I wasn't that strong but I would physically move mountains to get away from her. My body then basically contorted in disgust in the middle of the street.

"I thought I made it very clear that I was gay. Homosexual. Into les dudes." My body shivered, hoping the ripples would get her essence off me. But my blatant objection didn't help push her away in any way. 

"Nooooo. You're bisexual and I'm hotter than that football guy. Is he even your type?! I mean your type is less muscle and dick and more pu-"

"That's enough!" She was beginning to act intoxicated now, stumbling into me on purpose and falling on me. My voice wasn't loud or dominating but I just simply wanted to cut her off so that she wouldn't finish that sentence. 

"Don't you wanna get your hands on all of this?" She spoke in a soft, sultry voice that was packed with lust. She breathed her words, probably hoping that her breath would make my hair stand up but the heat wasn't going to do anything. She then continued to pout and act all cute, but cuteness and innocence went out of the window when she fucking groped me.

"You're right, I am bisexual." She smiled, knowing she had gotten her way which she was used to by now. "But you make me think I'm straight." Sike.

Her smirk fell and she stopped 'accidentally' bumping into me. "I'm going to ignore that for personal reasons a-"

"And egotistical reasons because for once, Daddy's little girl isn't getting what she wants." I fake pouted before walking ahead. I had enough of crazy for one day. 

Hi, okay sooooo. I have nothing to say. Please comment on what's wrong with this book and there will be. Also I know this isn't the best but it is still my first book and it does have a special place in my heart so anyway. ENJOY! but you probs won't. But still doo!!

Word Count:- 1039

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