Chapter 03: Why Me?

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POV:- Tony

"Sure." Well, I kinda had to. It's not like I could just kiss him. That would be amazing but no. Okay, just focus on the project and take your perverted mind of those big blue beautiful eyes. Those eyes that I could stare into all day. Those eyes that could search my soul. Oh right, study. What are we studying again? Suddenly the door bell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts again. Steve stands up and walks to the door. Bless that long hallway cause it gave me such a great view of that ass. Moving up and down as he trotted to the door. Okay right, the assignment. I keep forgetting, maybe I should write it down somewhere. Hell with this, I'll just write one at home. This is useless.
"Tony?" Steve was calling from downstairs. That's weird. Was he offering a drink or something? Was his Mom back and wanted to meet me? Did someone at the door come for me?
"Could you come down to the kitchen, please?" He added. Okay, I guess I have to no matter how much I wanna stay here and smell Steve. I head down the stairs and to the left which I assumed was the kitchen.

"Bruce?" Bruce was sitting at the dining table. His eyes were red and he had a completely wet face.
"What happened?!" I quickly grabbed a seat next to him as Steve came back with a towel and handed it to me. I started wiping his face as he started to speak.
It took a while for him to explain everything, mostly because he was crying at the replay of it.
"Wait, Clint kissed Pietro? And he kissed back?" This was great. I mean Clint was only liked him for a day, but when Clint falls, he falls hard. Of course I didn't realize that I was being a tiny bit insensitive until Steve gave me a death stare. I won't say I didn't enjoy it because it was actually kind of cute. It was like an angry puppy. He's too cute to be mad.
"Yes, and I had to do the same." Here come the tears, pouring down in rivers. If we saved this water, we could build a dam. Not even joking.
"I'm guessing Thor didn't kiss you back?" Thor? What? Steve has no idea what he's talking about, Bruce is my beat friend and I know for a fact, that he doesn't have a crush, but if he did, it wouldn't be Thor, no way! Of course I need to start doubting everything I know because Bruce nods. Why didn't I know this and how did Steve?!

"Wait, Thor?" I'm really confused.
"Yeah." It was short. But I'm trying to figure out how Steve knew? Its not like they'd ever met. Right?
"Why didn't you tell me?" I was getting pissed. We've been friends since like ever and he's never once mentioned this to me.
"Cause you'd probably do something stupid and screw it up." That's kinda true. I've messed up a lot of Clint's relationships. But still.
"Bruce, calm down. It's no use crying over someone you never knew." Steve needs to shut up, I love him but he is not helping.
"You know what, you're right. He doesn't deserve me. Thanks Steve." I might break something. Its been five years and I don't know how to console my best friend? This is messed up.
"Want me to take you home?" I had to make myself useful somehow so.
"No, I'll be fine." Is he kidding? I'm trying to help him. Ugh. At least I can stay with Steve and finish the project. Bruce shortly after left. I'll talk to him tomorrow. I need to finish this damn project. Who the hell gives projects on the first day of school. I swear if global warming doesn't kill me, that school will!
"Lets finish the project." I was pulled back to reality but Steve's sweet sweet voice that I need to interrogate.
"Say, how did you know about Thor, are you and Bruce close?" Give me answers, you buff angel.
"Yeah." What!?
"How exactly." It was sweet, I think. Eh, I don't care right now, how does Bruce know Steve!? And how has he never told me.
"We're usually partners on assignments. Except science, I take Clint then." If I wasn't sitting in front of my life long crush, I might have actually broken something. But that could potentially ruin chances with my future husband. So not doing that. But I need to talk to both of my backstabbing friends tomorrow. Have a real good, long talk.

POV:- Clint

I am kissing Pietro Maximoff. Oh wow, I am gay and I'm kissing Pietro Maximoff. Aaaah!! And he's kissing back!! I swear if this is a dream, I will kill someone. No, why is he pulling away? Did I do something? Am I a bad kisser? Aww. Ih I live those eyes, bright and blue. It contrasts his faded silver hair so perfectly. Wait, he's frowning. Am I that bad of a kisser? Well I could get better. Also where's Bruce. Wasn't he just sitting next to Thor? That's weird.
"Wanda, we have to go." He stood up and helped Wanda up and left after a thanks to Natasha. Why'd he leave? What did I do wrong?

"Wait!" I'm not letting him get away that easy though. He needs to at leave tell me what I did wrong. I bolt out, down the stairs and through the front door to find them walking down the street. No, you don't! Run, run run run!!!
"Wait!!" Finally, they hear me. There are those blue eyes. I bet they didn't expect to see me. They were filled with regret. Yet lust. How do thise feelings go together!?
"What happened?" Wanda was about to speak but Pietro stopped her.
"We just need to get home." What!? Don't give me that bullshit. Is he kidding? I ain't stupid.
"Stop lying, I'M NOT STUPID!" He turns around again. And he walks up to me. Now, he's like inches away from me. Please kiss me again. Nevertheless, I felt guilty about shouting. But he returned the favour.
"THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN." Who knew four words could make me wanna kill myself. His tone etched into my skull like burning blades of fire. With that, he steps back and walk away. Until he gets smaller and smaller and soon enough, disappears. Disappears into oblivion. Why me?

Here's another. I wasn't supposed to write this chapter on the same day but there was a lot of unexplained bits and I thought maybe you would wanna know what happened to Bruce. Also sorry about raising your hopes of Hawksilver in the last chapter but it couldn't happen so fast. So this one is angsty. If you have any questions, you have always message me or anything.

Word Count:- 1161

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