Chapter 06: It's in the Stars.

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POV:- Bruce

Due to the number of contestants, the tryouts lasted for quite a while and we all, against my wishes, bunked and just watched them instead. The fact that nobody noticed astonishes me. So, we simply hung out there until the lunch bell rang when we as usual all sat down at formerly, Tony, Clint and my table. So yeah, the day was going great but like all good things it ended, and it ended in the most brutal way possible. Thor showed up. I haven't seen him since well that day but I think he only missed this morning. Couldn't have been sick of whatever longer?!

"Hello fellow comrades!" Why does he always talk like that and I mean get an inside voice dude!
"Hey Thor, we didn't see you this morning." And that's why it was a good morning. Steve always has to be so goddamn polite.
"Yes, my father had urgent matters and only arrived this morning in time to reach us here. We would walk buy it really is quite far and we would most likely reach after school had ended." Such a fool. Did he even do the math!? Who am I kidding, of course not! He's just a big, hot yet dumb bag of rocks.
"Also I had a fever yesterday which was the cause of my absence." That seemed more valid. Why didn't he lead with that? Oh right, he dumb! "Loki, come sit and dine!" Dine? He's joking right. Great now Thor's unwanted tag-along brother is 'dining' with us. He pisses me off, sometimes I wish I could smash him into the floor again and again and again and-

"Hi Tony." Don't tell me we have more visitors! Oh and even better, its Stephen. How nice, voodoo kid is now part of the gang. Okay, that was rude. Maybe I'm still pissed off about Thor.
"Oh hi Stephen, wanna sit down?" I still don't know why he only talks to Tony. Are we not good enough for him? And the cherry on top, he grabs a seat next to me. This table is getting way too crowded.
"Hello,  new friend!" At least Thor's friendly.
"Hi, I haven't seen you in school, of course you were there at Natasha's house when you kis- nevermind." He talks so much. Big mouth of his.
"Yes, I was ill." Ill? Come on, what is it with the Old English vibe.
"Interesting. When is your birthday?" Why would he need to know that.
"October eighth!" Again with the shouting.
"Expected completely, the Libras are not having a good week. I would have predicted something closer to death though so you must've gotten off easy." What the hell. Oh right, he believes in all that zodiac crap. Waste of time! Science solves everything!

"No way, I said the exact same thing too!!" Of course Loki was one of those people as well and he couldn't give without adding, "What's your sign?"
"Leo, and you are a let me guess...Sagittarius?!" How can you guess someone's birthday?!
"Yes, and that means we are perfect for each other!!!" Wow. Not to mention they were both screaming at this point. But I guess, they are dating now based solely on their birthdays. What has the world become? We may never know. Oh great now, they're shouting in celebration. How fun. Oh God enough with the screaming!

"ENOUGH WITH THE SCREAMING!" Great, now I'm the one shouting.
"Bruce, it is okay, calm down." Who the effing shit is he to tell me to calm down. Thinking he can do that when he knows I'm not over him. Okay now that I think of it that way, he do nothing wrong, which I hate. Okay, calm down.
"Fine." Maybe I can find something he did wrong. Anything! I hate that he's so innocent. So innocent yet so hot!
"Bruce, you must know that night at Nata-" Nope.
"No. It's okay. I get it, it's your opinion and I can't change it." I said what had to be said. Hopefully things would be less awkward now. And now that I've said it out loud, I think maybe, just maybe I can feel a little better. I won't be over him, not for a while but this definitely helps. A lot. Maybe now, I could get a little closure.

POV:- Clint

I can't believe its like the third day of school and all of our lives have been ruined. Bruce is sad and mad because Thor doesn't like him back, Tony is another project away from being friendzoned by Steve and I discovered my one-day massive crush is a dick. Well the good thing is, when you've hit rock bottom, there's no place to go but up! I really hope that's true. Like my life is dependant on it. Well fingers crossed anyway. At least I have Nat, I don't think I would have made it without her. I mean, Bruce and Tony haven't really been the beat help but I don't blame them in the slightest cause they're going through a lot. With Pietro and everything. I feel like he doesn't even know what he did wrong.

Anyway, I need to get my mind of the high school drama and thankfully, we had History to the rescue. If you're confused, its good because History gets me so bored, I forget everything going on in my life. It totally gives the saying, 'bored out of my mind' a whole new way more literal meaning. And even better, we were learning about some war. It was either the first, second or the third one. I was so bored, I think I fell asleep. I'm not sure though, cause that entire period is a little blurry now. History's boredom can really always take my mind of things. So weirdly enough, I love History. No other subject to me is as boring or relentlesly  pointless as much as History.

After History, everything went by like a breeze. I wasn't worried about anything. No drama, no relationship issues. Just me...and Nat. But I really need her. So yeah the next few periods flew by and soon enough, it was time to go over to Nat's place. Hopefully the rest of the week went like this. But I knew with luck, my content would be limited to an hour minimum.

There you go and I'm actually not gonna say anything because I have nothing to say. I pretty much covered everything last time.

Word Count:- 1093

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